Busco/Search : Andrea Pinatel - Piñatel
Busco bautismo de la señora Andrea Pinatel (variaciones del apellido , Piñatel, Pinateli, Piñatell) originaria de Guayana , Venezuela (actualmente Ciudad Bolivar).
Casada con el Señor Santiago Fornasinni y en segundas nupcias con Juan Bautista Machicote (el 4/5/1829 en Trujillo Bajo, Puerto Rico)
Posibles padres Onorato Pinatel y Maria Francisca Oleaga.
You may start with church records in FamilySearch WIKI https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Puerto_Rico_Church_Records
You will do better than I as I do not speak Spainish. You can also in same area check Venzuela records
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I'm looking for Andrea Pinatel baptism in Venezuela, in a place called Santo Tomas de Guayana or Guayana region, by the Orinoco river in Venezuela. Actualy called Ciudad Bolivar.
She moved to Puerto Rico and married Juan Bautista Machicote in 1829 after being in a tragic position beacuse the war between Spain and Venezuela.
The fact is that i know that she born in Venezuela, in the around 1800/1815, and her parents was Onorato Pinatel and Francisca Oleaga.