What is the word in English, and symbol have some meaning?
The family lore was that when Clara and Emil traveled from Glasgow to NY in May of 1894, they sat at the Captain's table one evening. Clara admired the cruet and the Captain gave it to her. Images below...what is the German word on one side of the Cruet (there are 2 pics) and meaning of the graphic on other side of the handle?
I can't really help with this, but are you sure that it is a German word on the cruet? The last letters looks to me like "..,sdol", and I can't imagine any word with that ending. Can it be a name?
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No, not sure the word is German… could be a name, of the ship perhaps? Supposedly Clara was on the ship, Circassia, of the Anchor line, 1894. But they also possibly took a ship from Germany to Glasgow, Scotland. It may remain a mystery.
I do appreciate you r help, Ulrich.