Thomas Nuchter marriage 18 Jan 1746 film 4137289 page 563
Translation request:
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Good afternoon Kent,
1746, on the 18th of January, after early prayers were held [or after the early prayer hour/prayer meeting was held], were married Jo[hann] Thomas Nichtern, unmarried son of the late Nicolaus Nichtern, former citizen at Breitenborn in Hanau, and Cathar[ina], unmarried daughter of the late Georg Obermeÿer, former "Beÿsitzer" in Blankenloch.
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Robert, again this confirms all we have learned from his death record. The death record is our Thomas because everything matches up. Excellent translation. MrG
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I am confused about the phrase "Breitenborn in Hanau". Meyers says: Hanau is located in Preussen. Hanau is located in Hessen-Nassau. The registry office for Hanau is in itself.
Breitenborn is a Dorf (Village). Breitenborn is located in Hessen-Nassau.
I could be wrong but it looks like they are two separate villages east of Frankfurt.
If so where was Thomas Nichtern born?
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Good morning Kent,
It's difficult to determine which Breitenborn the record refers to. There are two places called "Breitenborn" near Hanau. According to Meyers Gazetteer both are located in Gelnhausen, Cassel, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen.
Breitenborn: This Breitenborn is located approximately 15 miles northeast of Hanau.
Breitenborn mit Lützel: This Breitenborn is located approximately 16 miles east of Hanau.
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Hello @Kent Gardiner and @Robert Seal_1 ,
The original test is: zu Breitenborn im Hanauischen which can be translated as "belonging to the Hanau dominion". Only the second of these Breitenborns (Breitenborn mit Lützel) belonged to Lordship of Hanau until 1736. (German Wikipedia: At the time of the marriage (1746) it was already incorporated into the Landgraviate Hessen-Kassel, but from a historic viewpoint Thomas Nichter came from (was born in) that region under the previous reign.
Preussen came much later into play. Meyers refers to the situation of the German Empire after 1871.
Still it is remarkable that Thomas married in Graben, which is about 100 miles away. At that time this was quite a distance and the question is for which reason he had moved so far from his home.
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Thank you, @Ulrich Neitzel. I knew the original text was "Hanauischen" but wasn't certain how to translate that word into English.
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Robert and Ulrich: Thank you very much for all your ideas!
I now have a better understanding of where Thomas came from. Breitenborn is a very small community. Wikipedia says in 1753: there were 30 households with 126 people including neighboring hamlet Lützel. FS doesn't have any records for the area that I can locate. But, having the right place and an idea of what the area is like is helpful.
Ulrich: You are right in asking the number one question: What caused non-citizen Thomas Nichtern to move from Breitenborn mit Lützel, a hundred miles south to Graben? FS did a study in the 1990s and found only 3% of German residents moved out of their birth community. There had to be a good reason. We will have to wonder about that question.
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Thanks Ulrich , Glad to hear the records are available. I will take a look and see what I can find. Kent