Need help locating a birth record
I could use some assistance in locating the birth record of Mary Theresa Smilak, born 23 January 1904 in Mezőkovácsháza, Hungary.
She should be right about here:
"Hungary Civil Registration, 1895-1980," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 16 June 2014), Csanád > Mezőkovácsháza > Births (Születtek) 1901-1906 > image 381 of 761; Archiv der Stadt Budapest (Archive of the City), Hungary.
But I cannot seem to spot her or the names of her father (Stephen Smilak) or mother (Anna Yustin).
Could someone please help?
Thanks! JT
What is your source for that birthdate and birthplace? It appears that one or both of them are wrong, or there was a delay in registering her birth: I checked from January to mid-June. (The deadline for reporting a birth or death was three months. If it took longer than that, there had to be an investigation and the registrar had to get official permission for the delayed entry.)
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Found an older brother:
Number 156. Dated in Mezőkovácsháza, 23 September 1900.
Informant: the below-named father, known personally to registrar.
Father: István Smilyák, Roman Catholic, agricultural day-laborer, residence Mezőkovácsháza, birthplace Véghegyháza, age 26 years
Mother: Anna Jusztin married name Mrs. István Smilyák, Roman Catholic, residence and birthplace Mezőkovácsháza, age 19 years
Birth: 18 September 1900, 2 a.m.
Child: boy, Roman Catholic, István
Read forth, approved, and signed.
He was probably their first or second child, because here's their wedding, nineteen months previously:
Number 16. Dated in Mezőkovácsháza, 5 February 1899.
Groom: István Smilyák, Roman Catholic, helping family member of his smallholder father, residence and birthplace Véghegyháza, 4 June 1874, known personally to assistant registrar
Father: András Smilyák, smallholder, Véghegyháza
Mother: Mrs. András Smilyák born Mária Breznai, smallholder's wife, Véghegyháza
Bride: Anna Jusztin, Roman Catholic, helping family member of her agricultural day-laborer father, residence and birthplace Mezőkövácsháza, 9 January 1880, known personally to assistant registrar
Father: Rókus Jusztin, agricultural day-laborer, Mezőkovácsháza
Mother: Mrs. Rókus Jusztin born Anna Nagypál, agricultural day-laborer's wife, Mezőkovácsháza
Witness: András Czuth, smallholder, Véghegyháza, age 41 years, known personally to assistant registrar
Witness: Péter Bulovszki, agricultural day-laborer, Mezőkovácsháza, age 46 years, known personally to assistant registrar
Note that the groom in the next marriage (number 17) is the bride's older brother György.
Judging by the numbers, the Hungarian genealogy society (MACSE) has Mezőkovácsháza births fully indexed 1895-1915, and I'm not finding your Mary Theresa among them (under any spelling of the surnames). They must have moved before she was born.
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Turns out the original date (and place) was right, but the registration districts were rearranged: her birth is filed on FamilySearch under Tótkovácsháza, but is actually labeled Végegyháza.
Number 7. Dated in Véghegyháza, 26 January 1904.
Informant: István Smilák, day-laborer, residence Véghegyháza, known personally to registrar
Father: István Smilák, Roman Catholic, day-laborer, residence and birthplace Véghegyháza, age 29 years
Mother: Anna Jusztin married name Mrs. István Smilák, Roman Catholic, residence Véghegyháza, birthplace Mezőkovácsháza, age 26 years
Birth: Véghegyháza, 23 January 1904, 3 p.m.
Child: girl, Roman Catholic, Mária
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You are a Saint!!