Looking to confirm Grandmother's name who was born in the Netherlands
We believe we were able to find the birth notice from the Civil Registration in Groningen Province in the Netherlands. The spelling was shown as Groelfsema. We also found her sister which had the same spelling. I have documents that list her birth date as April 20, 1886 which I think matches the Civil Registration document. Within a few years after she was born, the family moved to Chicago. After she moved to Chicago, however, there were several different spellings. Her maiden name was shown as Groetzema on several of her children's birth certificates, her marriage license lists her name as Groelfsema, and it is also recorded as Groetsema. Is Groetzema or Groetsema a common variation of Groelfsema?
Groelfsema or Roelsema or Groefsema would make very valid spellings in Groningen.
It would help to offer the link to the source, provide the names and year, to make it possible to check
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Most people did not know how to read and write. They had accents and/or a spoke a local dialect. The one who recorded the birth listened to the pronunciation of the one who came to city hall to report the birth [or death] and wrote down the family name in a spelling he thought was best.
It is one reason why family names were written down in different spellings. Best way to find out if someone is the same person in different records is checking the other names you see in a record. Like a parents, spouse etc. Search on the other family name you find in the record, like tin this case the mother.
The birth of Grietje was 20th APR 1886 in Middelstum, GRO her parents were Jan Groelfsema + Jantje Klooster [cert.nr. 22 - reported 21st APR]
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The thread and poster seems unresponsive. Happens all the time, people post things but never come back for answers.Not entirely their sole responsibility-as the path to these chatprompts is cascaded with clicks and dropdowmenu's left out of sight.Still , to keep these environments research-based, it is better this way , and a true researcher will find his way in the dark blindfolded.
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Here is the link to the source that was found while visiting the Family Search Center about a month ago. My grandmother's information is shown on image 88, No. 22.
"Netherlands, Groningen Province, Civil Registration, 1811-1940," images, FamilySearch
: 22 May 2014), Middelstum > Geboorten, huwelijken, overlijden
1883-1892 > image
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Thanks for sharing, David. I have to reconsider my point of view- and apologise !
Do you have a translation of the piece, or like to have one?