Translation two different entries for marriage
This is a second marriage record for identical couple in same church and time period. Previous date was 15 November 1874. Name of birth places and addresses
Thank You very much
104. Date: 1 August 1875
Groom and bride: Miksa Petkovits, day-laborer, son of Rezső, farmer, and of Ikonia Mélosáv. Zsófia Watycha, daughter of András commoner/peasant and of Maria Bordeska.
Place of origin and residence: Kupria periphery, Győr county 474. Neumark.
Religion: RC, RC
Age: 38, 34
Status: single, single
Witnesses: Jósef Chovanecz, day-laborer, János Chovanecz, day-laborer
Officiant: Ferencz Braun chaplain
Announcements: Announced thrice