using the reservation list to locate needed ordinances
With the re-opeing of the temples some things have changed that are making life more difficult. In the past when an ordinance was completed it was processed by the temple recorder and returned to me. I loved this process as each card became a record of where i was with the individual. Now the cards are no longer returned. I thought i could use the Temple option to sort by ordinances completed and ordinances needed but i have been unable to figure out how to do tiis. I hope this is a learning problem on my part and not an issue with the program.
What i need is the ability to sort by ordinances needed and to be able to see if the pre-required ordinances have already been completed so that an accurate temple card can be printed without having to sort through hundreds of names.
Any help would be appreciated
Iay davis
The is an article in the help center that may answer your question.
Go to
I hope is brings some light to your equest.
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Going forward, as you reserve and print cards, only print the ordinance to be accomplished during the next visit. This will allow you search by unprinted ordinances.
Another "tool" to use to see what ordinance needs to be completed next, is to use the notification message you receive from the temple upon the completion of an ordinance. This can help you identify the individuals if you are having a challenge finding them in a longer reservation list.
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I don't have much of an issue with baptisms and initiatory. These help because i can immediately print out the initiatory --after this is gets more complicated. I try and attend the temple 3 times a week and do double sessions. However, the endowment portion will only allow me to print out one at a time. I have tried printing from my last initiatory list but these are now confused with the ones i have already done--in other words i used the initiatory to print out the next endowments but now on the endowments done list they still show as initiatory even though i have completed the endowment--making it difficult to use this list to come up with the next endowments to be done. As you can see i am very frustrated with the inability of the program to provide what i need when i need it. I would love it if I could print out 6 endowments at a time but finding them is now very difficult. I thought i had enough to get through the week but today I ended up doing two endowments plus a friend of mine needed an endowment and was kind enough to take one of mine. Now i can only print out one but will need more than one for my next visit. there are several of us that do back to back sessions and only being allowed to print out one endowment makes it very difficult.
What would really help would be if we could sort by the next ordinance needed. With several thousand names on my list accessing them in the sequential format they are in is really useless and frustrating. Its like trying to use a phone book that is not alphabetized. What i am trying to say is the program is frustrating and not meeting our needs. Surely Family Search can do better than this.
thanks--sorry for the rant..
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@kaylymandavis1 what you are describing sounds so different than what I find when I go print cards. Are you working off of the "My Reservations" list (under the "Temple" tab) or are you using "Ordinances Ready"? When viewing the "My Reservations" list there is "Filter" tab that allows for filtering in many different ways (e.g., printed/not printed/ perform next, name, sex, ID number, ordinance, etc).