Find birth record of my relative Michel Daufney in Canada.
I have found in family research that he was born in Canada in 1815. Records I have found show that he lived in Minnesota. His id number is LJ12-QV6. Ultimately I want to know where in France my relatives came from.
Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
Judy Stenberg
In looking at your tree I don't think you have enough information to begin looking in Canada. Specifically you will need to know at least the province hopefully the county of birth because most places were not keeping province-wide vital records in 1815.
To find more about his time in Canada I suggest beginning with his censuses later in life in Minnesota and using those as a guide to find his death certificate and possibly obituary. These should give you a more exact birth place. Once you have those use the FamilySearch Wiki and Catalog to learn what birth records are available for that area.
After trying these I recommend signing up for a research consultation here: