Hello, I am looking for help iwith my Lithuanian family ancestry. My paternal grandparents, Antanas
My grandparents were married in Cleveland, Ohio and had 4 children, 2 deceased as infants. My father was Anthony Juskiewicz. I went to the SLC Genealogical Library in early 2020 before Covid hit and was directed to the Epaveldas Record Collection. I am trying to match my grandfather's baptism certificate from Nedzinge Trinity Church to the Epaveldas collection. I am attaching a copy of the page from Epaveldas that I think links to this baptism certificate and am also attaching the Epaveldas link. I am hoping to get as much information on my ancestry line on both sets of my Lithuanian grandparents' lines. My great grandparents are Vincas Lazaravicius and Helen Dvariciute and Mikas Yuskevicius and Kotryna Labaroviciute. I am also attaching my grandmother's Social Security application certificate. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you, Ann C. Finlinson
Hello Ann!
It looks like his birth record is actually found on image 77. Here's the link and I've uploaded a copy of the record from Epaveldas. The one mentioned in this inquiry is number 187, but from the year 1883.
Link: https://www.epaveldas.lt/object/recordDescription/ARCH/1679/1/13 (image 77)
Would you like a translation of the record?
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Thank you Ellie! I appreciate the help so much. Can you translate the record for me? Thanks again, Ann
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Oh, yes, I would love to have the translation. Thank you!
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Yes, here is a translation of the important details for you:
Entry: 187
Sex: Male (entry 94)
Name: Anton
Date of birth: 4 Dec 1883
Date of baptism: 6 Dec 1883
Baptism place: Nedzinge
Father: Peasant Nedzinge resident Michail Yuskevicius and Kotryna nee Labaroviciute
Birthplace: Сацежаивiки (Not sure what this location is in modern day Lithuania - but here it is on a historic map, just north of Nedzinge) https://mapire.eu/en/geoname/lithuania/nedzinge-596680/
There are also some witnesses if you would like those too.
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Thank you Ellie! I'm a bit confused though, I thought Anton was born in 1884? That is what I think the date on the baptism certificate says. I would be interested in the names of the witnesses if they are any relation to Anton. Thanks, Ann Finlinson
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Sorry that was very dumb/lazy of me! When I was translating it, I looked up at my initial comment on your post and saw the year 1883, and didn't remember that that was there because the image posted originally was the right entry number, but came from the wrong year (1883). I didn't verify with the document or double check that before I pressed enter! Sorry about that. But the document most definitely says 1884
Looks like the witnesses were the peasant Wladislaw Woloncewicz and maiden Helena Yuskevicius.