Looking for San Giovanni in Fiori in http://dl.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/
How do I figure out which locality in http://dl.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/?q=gallery has the records for San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza, Calabira? Thanks!
You would search here (you have to set the language to Italian for it to work) but I will tell you that Cosenza records haven't been published yet and so FamilySearch is your only option right now (restricted viewing).
yes S.Giovanni in fiore belongs to the Cosenza province
anyway if you put the name of the municipality in the browser, usually next to the name you will also find the province of belonging.
At this point, however, and no offense, I would recommend you follow a short Italian language course to be able to juggle at least for the basic news
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Thank you for the tip. I have already enrolled and plan to get start next week.