Please help with the translation of Adamus Rentz's Marriage Record.
The record is on the left hand side of the page and is dated November 27, 1770. This is from the parish of Strýčice České Budějovice in Bohemia. I can read Adamus Rentz son of Joannis Rentz What are the next words that follow? Does it list a location and a occupation? I then can read Maria daughter of Jacobi. What is the surname & the words that follow? It seems that another date is referenced, what is that about? I cannot decipher the village name where the marriage took place, Also can you tell me the names of the witnesses. The link to the record is located here:
Thank you for your help!
Here's what I got. I'm not sure about the translation for the professions of Adamus or his father.
“Dies: 27 Nov., Copulans: P. Gerardus Curatus,
Sponsi: Adamus professionis sua lanio Zahajensis filius Joannis Rentz Lanionis in Zahej cum Maria filia defti Jacobi Paurheißl Rustici & juditis in Dobschiz ambo liberi. Promuly 11. 18. 25 Nov.,
Testes: Josephus Hirchenbaum judex in Dobschiz, & Martinus Rictinger Rusticus in Stritzitz.
Religio.: Catho., Locus: Stritzitz, Neus Domius: 6.”
“Date: 27 November, Priest: P. Gerardus Carate,
Couple: Adamus his profession lanio Zahajensis son of Joannis Rentz Lanionis in Zahej with Maria daughter of the deceased Jacobi Paurheißl farmer & juditis in Dobschiz both children. Marriage bans proclaimed on 11, 18, & 25 Nov.,
Witnesses: Josephus Hirchenbaum judge in Dobschiz, & Martinus Rictinger farmer in Stritzitz.
Religion: Catholic, Locations: Stritzitz, House Number: 6.”
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I put your transcription in a translator and I found out that Adamus & Joannis were butchers. This fits because Adam's grandson Joseph Renz was a butcher as well. I can't find any translation for Zahej & Zahajensis. I did find the villages of Dobschitz and Stritzitz on a historical map. This helps me out a lot and I can look for more records now. Thank you so much for your help and you are teaching me how to recognize more words. I am very grateful.
Natalie McLain
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You're welcome! Oh yes, good catch on the translation for butcher. I got to reading it more carefully, and it looks like Zahej/Zahajensis refers to a location. I took a quick look at the historic map on, and found that there is a town called Zahájí (formerly Zahay) about 16 km northeast of Stritzitz. It may be worth taking a look at the records there for your Rentz family. Good luck!
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Thanks so much for helping Stephanie!
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Stephanie, I think you are correct about the location. I also thought Zahej might be a location as well and I looked into a Czech gazetteer. I found several villages named Zahaj and I thought the most promising one was in Budweis: Frauenbeg, Lischau and Zahaj was in smaller text under Mydlovary. I searched for Mydlovary on your map link and it is right there to the east of Zahay! I'll have to see if Zahej/Zahay is in Strýčice Parish as well or if I need to look in another parish. Renz is my mother's maiden name so this is my mother's direct line. I am excited to get this far back. Thank you!
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You're welcome!
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@Stephanie Bradshaw
I think I have found the birth record of Maria Paurheißl. It it the bottom entry on the left hand page. It is such an unusual name. I tried googling it and it never came up even using German Google & Czech Google. Can you confirm that the name is still
Paurheißl? I am attaching it. I can see her mother's name is Anna and it looks like Anna's father is Martius Sebastiany. Is that correct? Can you also tell me what it says after Anna's name. I tried to type it out and put it in a translator but nothing is coming up so I'm getting the letters wrong. The record is located here:
Thank you.
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Yes, the surname is Paurheyssl. The y and i are interchangeable. Yes, the mother is Anna and her father is Martius Sebastiany. His occupation is Rusticus which is owner of 1/4 "lán" of land. I do not know what it says after Anna.
Betseylee Browning
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@Betseylee Browning
Could you tell me if Maria's birth date is September 2 like the date above. What are those words where her date should be? I am guessing same day?
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Idem- Latin for " the same".
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Hi Natalie, It looks like Betseylee has already answered most of your questions. I just wanted to add a couple of things: Maria's parents are Jacobi Paurheyßl farmer from Dobschitz and his wife Maria. The column with Anna is not the mother, it is the Patrini (godparent). At first I was stumped by the word following Anna's name, but when comparing it with all the other entries for the godparents in the other records, it looks like that is where the godparents' surname should be. So it is likely Anna's surname. As best as I can make out, it looks like Gibunsgnugin (so the name would be Gibunsgnug, because the 'in' is just a German ending added to indicate a female's surname). That's an unfamiliar-sounding surname too.
And then is says "hujus Rusticus maritus Sebastianus," meaning "of farmer husband Sebastianus." So Sebastianus was Anna's husband. (You can see that it looks like Sebastiany, but that letter at the end that looks like a 'y' or a 'g' is actually not a letter at all, but a common symbol for the Latinized ending of a name and translates as "us." So it would be translated as Sebastianus).
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I would recommend getting a copy of Roger Minert's book, Deciphering Handwriting in German Documents. Roger is a top expert in this field, and I've learned so much from him. Here is a page from his book that explains the Latin symbol that looks like a 'g,' and means "us."
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Thanks so much for your help Stephanie. I appreciate you.
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Thanks Betseylee, happy to be able to help!