Finding family in Danby, Rutland, Vermont
Levi Sherman and wife Abigail (she died in 1791) in 1790 census show 1 adult male, 2 male children and 5 females. My ward sister has the names of the two parents and 2 daughters but missing 2 females and 2 male children. There are only 1200 people living in Danby at that time but I've having no luck in finding the missing family members. Any suggestions?
@Tracy Nies Amadio
Can I humbly suggest suggest that you post your 'Question' in the following 'Groups', in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; so that, the members of those groups (ie. the GREATER Community) can answer/assist you.
(1) New England ... [ Includes: Vermont ]; and,
(2) United States Genealogy Research