Romania Metrical Records-Help
Hi, I am new to the group. I have unlocked a brick wall in my family research and was fortunate to find records in the Greek Orthodox Metrical records for Tovtry, Ukraine (then Romania). I discovered my great grandparents marriage record from 1896 which of course provided the house number. I have made some attempts to translate records based on that record but I need some help. The record headings are in German and Romanian and I think the script is Romanian in Cyrillic. I would sure appreciate some help with the translations. (note the birth record has a link for the first and second page)
@Cheryl Kitzan we are so glad you have joined our community - this is a great place to get help! Be sure to look through all of the links on the right side of this screen. Enjoy today! Cindy Jarvis
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Hi Chryl, I hope this might help you.
Heading is Geburtsregister = birth register
than column by column:
left page:
HausNro = house number
Periode der Geburten = time of birth and baptism
Jahr = year
Monat und Tag der Geburt = month and day of birth
Monat und Tag der Taufe = month and day of baptism
Namen des Kindes = names of child
Religion = religion
orientalisch (I guess this means catholic)
occidentalisch (I guess this means orthodox)
Geschlecht = gender
männlich = male
weiblich = female
ehelich = parents are married
unehelich = mother not married
right page:
Aeltern (Eltern) = parents
Vor- und Zunamen, dann Stand und Gewerbe des Vaters = first and last name, than profession of father
Mutter = mother
Pathen (Paten): Vor- und Zunamen, dann Stand und Wohnort = Godparents: first and last name than professin and place of residence
Vor- und Zuname der Hebamme, dann ihr Wohnort = first and lastname of midwife, than her place of residence
Eigenhändige Unterschrift des Pfarrers, der die Taufe besorgte = own signature of the priest who did the baptism
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Thank you kindly for the heading translations! I had attempted the handwriting translation (included as attachment in original post) as best I could but have some gaps and maybe mistakes. Is this something I could get help with?