More detailed marriage entry available?
Marriage of Michael Wolf and Katharina Wohlgemuth
Churchbook entry of Molotschna says:
(40) 06.10.1868, Wolf, Michael ∞ Wohlgemuth, Katharine, Hauptregister Nr. 68
I'm trying to find the couple's ancestors but this tabular marriage record just tells the couple's names, date of marriage and the item number from the main register (68 in this case). A copy of the more complete entry in the main register would tell a lot more. Is there any source/archive which holds the original church books?
Their descendants up to myself are all known, but my own research back behind them was not successful.
An additional source of information was the death record of Katharina Wolf/Wohlgemuth
+ Tigaili, Neusatz/Krim, Russia 27.01.1885, age 41y5m23d (giving the birth date of 14.08.1848), birth location unknown
[] Togali 30.01.1885
Any hints?
Best regards
- can you help with a response to this question. Thanks, Sister Jarvis