I would like some ideas on how to encourage ward members to engage in family history work. I have r
@Shauna Robins
As an aside
One of the BEST ways that I have found to "Engage" (ie. in this case, GET EXCITED, reinvigorate) the Members of one's Ward/Branch is by using (BYU) "RelativeFinder", with the Members.
Provided, the "ancestral" lines of the Members of ones Ward/Branch are extensive enough, (BYU) "RelativeFinder" they should be able to 'See' their "Relationship" with, "Famous People"; and, many, "Others"; PLUS, you can ALSO "Print" the connections/links between themselves and those they find a connection/link through in (BYU) "RelativeFinder" ...
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" digs (pun intended) a lot DEEPER in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', than 'FamilySearch' does.
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" is one of the "Third Party" Applications that "Certified" to work with "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
BYU = Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah, USA (ie. the Church University).
From the "Family History Technology Laboratory", of the "Computer Science" Department.
Here is direct link to "RelativeFibder"
"RelativeFinder" has MANY 'Bells and Whistles', that you might find useful.
Apart from "Famous People" and "Others" ...
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" has some interesting options ...
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between yourself and a "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between two (x2) "Deceased" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between ("Living" - Users/Patrons) Friends in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
It is a great "Tool" to help others ...
I know, we have used it, to do so ...
Give it a go ...
Magic ...
Enjoy ...
And ...
An additional way that I have found to "Engage" (ie. in this case, GET EXCITED, reinvigorate) the Members of one's Ward/Branch is by using some of the various "Campaigns" in 'FamilySearch'.
Record Hints
Get to know your relatives through their photos and stories.
Enter your last name to find its meaning and origin.
My Relatives' Military Records
Relatives who Served in World War I
( USA ) World War I, Draft Registration
Relatives who Enlisted in World War II
Hints - United Kingdom
[ And, especially, for those of us; NOT, from the United States of America ]
We (my Wife and I) have had great success with "Engaging" (ie. in this case, GET EXCITED, reinvigorate) the Members of, both, our Ward; and, our Stake, with FINDING out that they are NOT the ONLY Members of the Church in their Family/Ancestry - in fact, ALL have become quite "emotional" to find out such is the case.
Church Pioneers
Church Pioneer Children
My Relatives' Missions
Women of Faith
Relief Society
Furthermore, another way to "Engage" (ie. in this case, GET EXCITED, reinvigorate) the Members of one's Ward/Branch is by using introducing the MANY "Activities" in 'FamilySearch' (under the "Activities" 'Tab'). It is quite surprising those that have NOT explored that "Activities" 'Tab'
We (my Wife and I) have helped many from around the World, when we travelled recently, with the aforementioned.
And, we have even had much success with the Member of the Church in the USA (including: Utah - where they are quite surprised that NOT all the Work is done for the Ancestors).
I hope this helps.
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@Shauna Robins
I am also "Tagging" this 'Question' of yours, to the 'Group' being "Family & Community—Connect & Inspire!", in the Forum; so that, the members of that group can answer/assist you.
That Group is "Public", which you can join, if you wish.
@Family & Community—Connect & Inspire!
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I also would like to learn how to do that. Also, has anyone used a member's email to have Family Search contact them? I did that and the member then invited us to help them.
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We have been sending out monthly challenges for the wards to use as they wish. They are simple enough for beginners but have more at the end for more advanced work. They started out with learning about what a fan chart can show and then used the fan chart to begin other activities such as finding and sharing stories in FHE and adding memories. They explore the activities section of Family Search, beginner indexing, and how to protect privacy. There are also 3 list of ways to do temple and family history work while the temples are closed.
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Can you share one of the monthly challenges with us? How long is it?
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They are designed to take 30 minutes or less unless you do a more advanced challenge. I have attached the first one about fan charts.
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Thank you!
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I would love you to share any of your other challenges. I think these are a great way to encourage and teach both beginners and more advanced family history patrons.
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I would be happy to share them here but attachments can't be pdf's or Word documents apparently. I will try another way.
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thank you for your willingness to share. You can email them to me if that is easier.
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This is a great idea. I would also like I copy of your challenges if possible.
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I clicked on a link and sent you my email address, but I am not sure where it went. If you did not receive it let me. know.
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I did get it and they have been sent.
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I didn’t ever receive the attachments. Please resend to mamarobins8@gmail.com. Thank you!
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I put an "ad" in the ward bulletin offering to help members one-on-one online. I tried to do it with zoom, but it was hard for members who only had one screen to do that and look at their information. I could show them, but it wasn't like they were doing more than observing. What I started doing, and it has worked well, is we do it over facetime on their phone. They have their screen open, and I am looking at the same screen on my computer. I can then have them do the work. Occasionally, I have turned the phone on my screen to point at things that they cannot find. This has been the best thing that we have been able to do, baring a face-to-face meeting, which I hope will come again soon! (I do request to be their helper in advance to allow me to look at their page, and I try to find some easy things, such as adding hints, to help them get some confidence and feel excited about what they can do...) I am so grateful for the technology.
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This is such a good idea to use FaceTime! That will be very helpful to use with those that have iPhones. It has been discouraging to help members who really have limited computer skills, they really need the one on one (in person). We keep praying about ideas and extra help, and I do think I am getting ideas and helps from those of you on the community groups!