MOnthly report FHC Training on Zoom
@Richard Jester If our FHC is asked by our local library (who we also helped become a FamilySearch Affiliate Library) to provide a genealogy/family history related class (at the library or via Zoom), that easily fits into the monthly report for example. That activity and those people count for what the FHC is accomplishing. The same would be true whether it's a class for the community at large, or one you're doing for a ward or your stake. As long as the FHC is "sponsoring" (i.e. volunteered to present the class, or was asked to present it), it shows that the FHC is worth keeping and supporting with qualified staff, budget, and equipment (the whole purpose of the monthly report). On the other hand, if you're not reporting what you're doing to assist people, it looks like you're not doing anything on the monthly report when your priesthood leaders (high councilor and stake presidency) look at that report.