Welcome To The New FamilySearch Community
Welcome to our new platform. If you have questions on how to navigate through the new look and feel of our FamilySearch Community, there is an instructional post on the home page that will help you find your way around. We are excited for the new changes and hope that you will enjoy the new features.
It is important that we each review the purpose for our community. Please read the code of conduct located here:
It is also essential that each of us understand that we are in a community. Questions can and should be answered by many people. Each answer is contributing to the person asking the question. No one person should take over! This is a community for a purpose. Please be kind, understanding and allow for others experiences to be shared without criticism. Please read the above Code of conduct. We need and strive for harmony which allows many points of view on Family History Topics.
Shannon Potter Wilcox, Moderator-Group Leader