Translation Baptism, Topo, Sao Jorges, Azores Please
I will do it and send back the translation.
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Nº 27
Aos vinte dias do mês de Abril do ano de mil oitocentos e noventa nesta igreja paroquial – Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Rosário da Villa do Topo, Concelho da Calheta, ilha de São Jorge, diocese
d´Angra, baptizei solenemente um indivíduo do sexo masculino a quem dei o nome de Manuel e que nasceu nesta freguesia ás seis horas da tarde do dia quinze do corrente filho natural de Rosa da Conceição, solteira, de occupação doméstica, natural e parochiana desta freguesia moradora no sitio dos Gretões, neto materno de João António Azevedo e de Jacintha Perpetua da Silveira. Foi padrinho Manuel António de Oliveira, solteiro camponeo, e madrinha Isabel Perpetua das Candeias, solteira de ocupação doméstica, os quaes todos sei serem os próprios.
No. 27
On the twentieth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety in this parish church - Mother of Our Lady of the Rosary of Villa do Topo, Calheta Council, St. George Island, diocese d´Angra, I solemnly baptized a male person whom I named Manuel, who was born in this parish at six o'clock in the afternoon on the fifteenth day of the current ,natural son of Rosa da Conceição, single, of domestic occupation, natural and parochian. resident parish in the site of Gretões, maternal grandson of João António Azevedo and Jacintha Perpetua da Silveira. Was the godfather Manuel António de Oliveira, single countryman, and godmother Isabel Perpetua das Candeias, single of domestic occupation, which we all know to be their own.
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Thank you!!!
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At april 20th 1890 in this church of Our Lady of Rosário (Nossa Senhora do Rosário) in Topo, Calheta, São Jorge, Açores, ...was born in the 15th of the same month, a boy by the name of Manuel, natural son of ( this means that the parents weren’t married) Rosa da Conceição, single and from this parish, lives in the place of Grutões (like a neighborhood, what matters is the parish), maternal grandson of João António de Azevedo and Jacintha Perpétua da Silveira. The Godfather was Manuel António de Oliveira and the godmother was Isabel Perpétua das Candeias, both single.
This is all the information that matters. There’s no information concerning the father. Hope this helps
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Very much, I have confirmed that he is my great Uncle. His father is now known. My great Grandfather was a merchant 21 years older than my great grandmother. He traveled to the US (Sausalito) frequently, returning to Topo. He fathered Manuel during one of those visits. My Great Grandmother soon accompanied him to the US with Manuel, where they had three more children, my Grandmother being their youngest. They married in the US although they claimed in US Census records that they were married in Topo a year before Manuel was born. Thank you again!