I want to find tribe of my second great-grandmother
Name: Mary (or Marie) Wajiban Plummer (or Plunemar)#LZX4-5k8
Potential Second Name: Mary Ann Otashquobona (in household of Agatha Mosenaw "United States Census" 1920) *Supposedly this source is not attached to people found in the record, yet is a secondary name given for my potential second great-grandmother
About: Second Great-Grandmother on my Father's side, my father's mother's mother. Married to Peter (or Pierre) Belanger #LZX4-58Y, possible White Feather. Peter lived approximately from 1828-1929. Marie (or Marie) was born approximately in they year 1825. Together they had eight children. Their daughter Margaret Belanger (my great grandmother) lived from 1852-1927; #944M-5kC. It is believed Mary (or Marie) appears on record in Michigan.
I am looking for the genuine name, birthplace, and tribe my second great-grandmother was from and associated with. Any additional information found would be greatly appreciated!
From the Durant Roll (Native census of part of Michigan) 1908: Mary Bellanger / Way-zhe-baum, age 83, living in Sault Ste Marie; husband Peter Bellanger, dead. Six children. First child listed is Maggie Bellanger Smith, age 58, resides Port Authur Ont, 1st husband not named, second husband Harry Smith, white, 5 children.
If this is the correct woman I will research her further.
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@Chrette Kauffman-Allan if the research @Vicki Wilson_2 has done is correct, and your ancestor was residing in Michigan, then you have a few tribes to consider...
There are three major tribal groups in Michigan today: the Chippewa (Ojibwe), Ottawa (Odawa), and Potawatomi (Bodawotomi). They comprise what is called the Three Fires Council. Although these three tribes have similar cultures and share the same territory, there still are some historical differences.
Keep in mind that some tribal areas of the Ojibwe may have previously included parts of Canada. So record searching may need to cross over. I hope this helps narrow your research a bit too.
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This is a blog post about Mary's husband Leon, who was a civil war soldier <https://nativesharpshooters.blogspot.com/2017/04/leon-otashquabona.html>
On the 1910 Federal Census Mary self describes as Ottawa.