I am trying to learn the parents of my earliest known Billington, Ezekiel Billington LZGC-84F, born
I am trying to learn where the surname BILLINGTON came from because I am trying to extend my family tree back before America. I am guessing England, but cannot find my connection to England. My earliest known Billington is Ezekiel Billington LZGC-84F, born 22 March 1759 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey, United States. No known sources mention his parents, specifically his father.
LYTM-KVW is the Personal Identifier of John Billington of the Mayflower who was accompanied by his wife Elinor and two sons. One son only married & had descendents. You might want to check out this family.
LZGC-84F is the Personal Identifier for your Ezekial Billington.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you, I have, and there is no source that links us with John Billington of the Mayflower. I appreciate your response.