⭐️ ⭐️ If you want to see a great example of how Auburn High School history students are learning the stories of their local community, check out this link provided to us by @RRB0005 RRB0005
One recording was made last night, and a live event will be this Wednesday, December 2 at 5:30 PM CST. (Links to these presentations are provided in the original link - Presentations are recorded)
"We are excited to virtually present An Evening in African American History. Students from Auburn High School worked and coordinated with community members and students from Auburn University on 10 local projects including proposals and stories.
Come support the students on either day or both days and learn a little about local history. The presentations will be broadcast live through YouTube and Facebook and will be hosted by the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and Humanities.
Sponsored by Research to Preserve African American Stories and Traditions (rPAAST) and Auburn High School."
After viewing the broadcasts, I just want to add that I am so thankful for the presentations that were done. I learned so much from these humbling, and powerful stories, and am so impressed with the effort put forth by the students.