Dont Let Them Be Forgotten!!!
Ever wonder what your ancestors would tell you if they could send you a note??
well maybe they have!!!!
some notes and thoughts from Family Bibles and Needlework Samplers follow
read them as if they were written to you.
😊 be sure and click "expand post" 😉
[and then scroll down to see some messages, as if it were, from your Ancestors.]
Madam Margratt Barnard her boocke
And Lord of heaven upon her loocke […]
When she is dead pray toule the bell
When this you see remember me
Why should I be forgotten when I am dead
And and laid in Grave and all my bones are rotted
from a 17th century Family Bible of Madam Barnard
Seth Metcalf is my name also New England is my Station
Rutland is my Dwelling Place and Christ is my Salvation
When I am Dead and in my Grave and all my bones are Rotten
If this you See Remember no Let me not be Forgotton
Diary of Seth Metcalf - March 15: 1758
“When this you see, remember me,
And keep me in your mind;
And be not like the weathercock
That turn at every wind.
anonymous sampler
Whence did the wonderous mystic art arise
Of painting speech and speaking to the eyes
That we by tracing magic lines are taught
How both to colour and embody thought
Anonymous Sampler, 1828.
When I am dead and in my grave
and all my bones are rotten
When this you see remember me
That I am not forgotten
Sampler - Abigail Ward
Tho our Countrie everywhere is fil’d
With ladies and with gentlewomen skil’d
In this rare art, yet here they may discerne
Some things to teach them if they list to learne
And as this booke some cunning workes doth teach
Too high for meane capacities to reache
So for weake learners other workes here be
As plaine and easie as an A B C.
Anonymous Sampler
When time a shadowing veil has cast
over many a year flown fast away
A memory of the joyous past
sweetness the bitter of today
Is there a thought sad sorrow healing
which can a while your grief suspend
Yes there is a sweet a holy feeling
Tis the remembrance of a friend
This handy work my friends may have
When I am dead and laid in grave.
sampler quote
All the work we do in FamilySearch - and all its related processes
is to ensure they are not forgotten (especially Indexing)
It is also the focus of the Family Bible Preservation Project (and the Sampler Project)
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What would my ancestors tell me? LOL Perhaps a lot of odd things! While I have LOVING memories of my grandparents and one great great grandparent, I also have distinct memories of them telling me very odd things when I was little.
- Sit up straight. You will get a hump in your back.
- Don't run around so much! You must conserve your energy.
- Don't start eating until you have been given permission. (that was annoying, as I recall)
- Don't ask grown ups any questions. It is not polite.
- Don't ever speak to any grown up until they have spoken to you first.
- Don't tell grown ups they look old, especially if they do. (THAT one certainly confused me. I promptly told my little brother he looked old and then I immediately got spanked.)
- Don't walk near the curb. You might a) get splashed b) fall into the street c) get hit by a car
- Don't drink too much water. It's not good for you. Drink milk instead.
- You must eat everything on your plate. Children are starving in China.
LOL No hump on my back. I guess I sat up straight!