I would greatly appreciate an exact translation of the birth record that is contained in Salvatore d
Page #1 right side of page "Atto di Nascita":
Page #2 back of page 1:
Many thanks,
Joseph Bisazza
i am sorry, but is too difficult to read this record,so much more to traslate, can you find somebody there or try google translation?
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Thank you,
I found a different document for the same person's birth from 1823, Mirabella Imbaccari, Sicily. It is easier to read. Could someone translate it for me please?
Joseph Bisazza
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Hi @JosephBisazza JosephBisazza in FamilySearch Wiki Italy genealogy page, you can find, at the paragraph "Italy research tools" the documents of birth, marriage and death already translated from Italian to English, pre and post unification. These documents are probably 90 percent or more equal to your documents. You can compare them and come back to the community just with those crucial words you are interested to.
At this link, always in FamilySearch, you can find also an interesting article about Italian infant abandonment I think could be useful to your research.
I want to point out just a thing: into the birth certificate of Francesco, contained into the attachments of his marriage I sent you, is written that Salvatore Scibona was 23 years old so 1850 - 23 is 1827 so 1826/1827 could be another possible birth year of Salvatore.
Enjoy your research!
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Thank you for sending me the links, I was able to translate the birth document. Salvatore was left at the wheel outside the hospital or other building in 1823 and was given the surname "Di Dio". Later, after he married, he had a child in 1850, you sent me the link to that birth. He and his wife had a child named Francesco and this is the first time I can see that the father Salvatore uses the surname "Scibona". I will research the Diversi records to see if I can find out when he obtained this surname. Thanks for all of your help.
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I had a look at the first doc you sent (the processetti) and actually the full name "Salvatore di Dio", was already on page 2 of the birth certificate of 1823 (see attached pic)
According to it, Salvatore was left at the "Ruota dei Projetti" (the "wheel") and found by the midwife Girolama Benincasa, who presented him to the Major of Mirabella-Caltagirone.
The rest of the doc is mostly bureaucratic words and a record of the withnesses.
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Thank you Paolo very much. I just learned about the "wheel" yesterday by reading about it on family search.org.
So this man, Salvatore di Dio, and another named Giuseppe di Dio, who born around the same time, same village, took the surname "Scibona" much later in life, after marrying but before having children. This surname later appears for both men on their individual death records with each having a mother now named "Giuseppa Scibona" (still no father). The Scibona surname also appears on their children's birth records prior to the two men's deaths.
Do you have any theory about how this could happen to two people born in the same village under similar circumstances?
Thanks again,
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you need to consider that in Italy, until 1825, foundlings were all given the same "family name" . This varied according to the location: Esposito, Innocenti, Proietti, Di Dio, and many more, including variants of the above: degli Esposti, degl'Innocenti, Didio, etc.
After 1825, local clerks were requested to provide a "customized" family name to each foundling, in order to prevent immediate recognition of their shameful status.
This rule, however was not applied at the same time everywere, and the old way continued to be followed here and there.
Once recorded, a family name was very difficult to change, even if the child was adopted or recognized by his true parent(s) at a later time.
The process required a petition to the authorities, notarized, registered and recorded at the margin of the birth act, as well as in any subsequent act.
A possible way to sort this out is by checking the "Atti Diversi" of Mirabella Imbaccari, where a late recognition or adoption should have been recorded.
The second consideration is that all given names in your search (Salvatore, Giuseppe, Maria) were (and still are) EXTREMELY common names, so you need to be careful about homonymes.
Third: I share the analisys of Massimo Conforti regarding birth years derived from different documents.
Salvatore Scibona, according to his death record, was born in 1813-14 and, according to the birth record of his first son, in 1826-27 , while the birth certificate of Savatore Di Dio places his "true" birth in 1823.
My impression is then that those Salvatore could be actually two or three different people, even if the wife has the name of Maria Scovazzo (both Scibona's) or the variant Scopazzo (marriage act of Salvatore Di Dio of 1842).
Scovazzo and Scopazzo are two distinct names, both still exhisting in Sicily - only Scovazzo can be found in Mirabella today.
Hope this may help your further researches.
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Hi all! Into the document "nati, Esposti" 1826 there is another Salvatore where her midwife was Girolama Benincasa, but in 1827 (IMG 4 and 6), always in "nati, Esposti", there are two Salvatore where midwife was for both Anna Maria SCIBONA. It could be a coincidence, it could be a daughter of Anna Maria, called Giovanna, recognised Salvatore as own son but perhaps it could be interesting to furtherly investigate. I hope can help!
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You have been a great help again with my work. I recognized from the beginning that the death age for Salvatore di Dio Scibona did not match the birth record for the Salvatore Scibona born in 1823. However, I made an assumption that the clerk made an error on the death record and wrote his age as 77 instead of 67. I have seen lots of errors made on vital records previously. But because of the name of the wife on the marriage and death record being the same, or so I thought, I assumed he was the same person who was born in 1823. I did not realize that the spelling of the wife's name was Scovazzo. I thought it was always Scopazzo. I do agree with you that most likely the Salvatore born in 1823 is not the same person just a coincidence with a common first name.
Also the coincidence of both men, Giuseppe and Salvatore, having Giovanna Scibona appearing as their mother late in life seemed to me to be important. Also, Scibona was not a very common surname in Mirabella at that time.
Since Scibona is my grandmother's name and she is from Mirabella, I believed her grandfather was Giuseppe di Dio (Scibona). But according to marriage records in 1839, her grandmother Giovanna Cali married a Giuseppe di Dio not Giuseppe Scibona. It wasn't until her grandfather had his first son, Francesco, my grandmother's father, three years later in 1842 that his name was changed to Giuseppe Scibona. It is impossible for me to check the actual birth of Giuseppe di Dio Scibona as he was born prior to 1820. I thank you very much for your excellent guidance and education.
Joseph Bisazza
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Hello Massimo,
Yes I looked at the records in the Nath Esposti and you are correct. Thank you for your guidance.
Joseph Bisazza