Where to find birth records from Chincha, Ica, Peru for the year 1917.
As a family history consultant I'm trying to help a sister in our ward to find her grandparents. What she does know is that at the age of 3 her father became an orphan. An Italian family raised him from that age, however they never adopted him. As an adult whenever he asked about his parents and who they were the "foster" parents would become outraged. The information she has is he was born on Nov. 15, 1917, and she says in the town of Chincha, Ica, Peru. I'm finding baptismal information from that area but have not found him. Thought possibly a birth certificate might be available. His name is Leopoldo De la Cruz Martinez.
Is this something you could possibly help me with?
Thank You.
Existen dos Chinchas:
- Cincha Alta: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/109415?availability=Family History Library (el 15 de noviembre de 1917 está en la imagen 210 y no aparece Leopoldo)
- Chincha Baja: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/328921?availability=Family History Library (el 15 de noviembre de 1917, imágenes 71 y 72, no hubo bautismos)
Si fuera realmente ese lugar el de nacimiento, deberíais buscar en fechas anteriores o posteriores.