I need help with the exact date my grand grand father Gennaro Celia was born.
Gennaro Celia was born in Morano Calabro, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy in 1859. Son of Fedele Celia and Teresa Marranghello.
The records for Morano Calabro are restricted and can only be accessed from a Family history library. Since they are closed I was wondering if within this group anyone has access to these files and van help me with it.
It is a very small town so it shouldn't take too longo to find him.
Because they're restricted records, it would violate the Church's contractual agreements with the holders of the original records if anyone here accessed that record and sent a copy to you or posted it here in the Group. Unfortunately we'll all have to wait until we've got better access to FHCs. We tentatively plan to at least open on an individual appointment basis only when the time finally comes for us to reopen. All of our FHC staff are well over 60, with most over 70, and most with compromising health conditions, so we intend to be extremely careful even after we're authorized to reopen. My intent is to first take care of those people who've needed to get restricted record data, since all other FamilySearch information is available at any other internet-connected computer at home or in libraries. The free access to other resources is a nice bonus for non-Latter-day Saints, but not essential for most people - just very helpful. But where a specific record is restricted, we'll try to help people come in one-on-one with proper protection and help them get the data from those records (no photocopies, of course). It's important to follow the restrictions, as that could have major impacts on the Church's ability to get access to those kinds of records due to the contractual agreements worked out by the Church.
One other possibility for you: that film is is available at both Family History Centers AND FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries. So that may open up possibilities sooner if there is an open FamilySearch Affiliate Library in your area. Almost any public library can receive FamilySearch Affiliate Library status fairly quickly and at no cost. And my understanding is that at least 90% of the restricted records are available in Affiliate Libraries as well as in Family History Centers. So the possibility is that your desired record is more available than merely through Family History Centers or the main Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Depending on where you live (especially the US and Canada), you can hopefully find a FamilySearch Affiliate Library near you by doing a search at:
The resulting map will show both FHCs and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries.
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@DiegoCelia DiegoCelia
Luckily, our local (Stake) "Family History Centre" (FHC) has re-opened, with authority of the Church; and, subject to local jurisdictional laws and requirements (due to the "COVID-19" Pandemic).
I am Staffing the FHC tonight, I will see what I can for you, about the exact "Date of Birth".
No promises, mind you, I will just see how things go ...
And, even if I can view/access the "Image" of the Record at the FHC; as far as I am aware, I cannot, 'download'; and/or, send you a copy - due to Contractual Agreements and Arrangements (ie. "Restrictions").
Here's hoping.
ps: About 7 Hours or so from now.
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Thanks Chris for your answer. I didn't pretend to receive any protected data, just the date I am looking for in case there existed the possibility.
I am writing from Montevideo Uruguay, there are two libraries here that belong to the church but are closed because of Covid. It says that this document is located at Granite Mountain Record Vault, I don't if it is available in the affiliated libraries.
Thanks again!
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Not speaking Italian, and with extremely limited Spanish (my last Spanish class was 54 years ago and unfortunately I didn't use it after that very much), I'd be at a big disadvantage, but perhaps could have figured out the records. But there are 2888 images in that film. Brett (in Australia, if I remember correctly) has offered to take a look for you. Do you by any chance have an image number on the film that might help find it?
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@DiegoCelia DiegoCelia
I am at the FHC.
Just for starters
there are 2728 Images
there are 2888 Images
Looking at "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' ...
Your version of:
Gennaro CELIA ... ( G3M8-CPP )
is a "Duplicate" of TWO (x2) records for the SAME individual/person that were from the predecessor to "Family Tree", being "New.FamilySearch".
They are:
Genaro CELIA ... ( KGXJ-8FK )
Spouse/Wife: Filomena MIRAGLIA ( KGXJ-8FL )
Daughter: Teresa CELIA ... ( KGXJ-8FV )
and ...
Genor CELIA ... ( 27XV-D4S )
Spouse/Wife: Filomena MIRAGLIA ( 27XV-D43 )
Daughter: Fidel CELIA ... ( 27XV-D49 )
Seeing as though you have Teresa CELIA ( KGXJ-8FV ) and Fidel CELIA ( 27XV-D49 ) associated with the individual/person you "Created" in 2019 ...
Can I suggest that you "Merge"/"Combine" those Three (x3), being KGXJ-8FK and 27XV-D4S and (your) G3M8-CPP; so that, either, KGXJ-8FK or 27XV-D4S is the "Surviving" individual/person; as, they are the OLDER records, compared to your "Duplicate".
and ...
Can I also suggest that you "Merge"/"Combine" his Three (x3) Spouses/Wives, being KGXJ-8FL and 27XV-D43 and (your) G3M8-SLM; so that, either, KGXJ-8FL or 27XV-D43 is the "Surviving" individual/person; again, as, they are the OLDER records, compared to your "Duplicate".
Now ...
The fun an games begin ...
Stay tuned ...
I'll be back ...
ps: If I do not have any success tonight (Tuesday); and, get back to you (immediately), I will be back again at the FHC "ALL" Day and Night on Thursday.
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@DiegoCelia DiegoCelia
I just took a look at those "Images" ...
Like 'Chris', not speaking or reading "Italian", it is an 'uphill battle'.
Seems to be about "Marriage" (atto di martimonio)
whereas ...
Is about "Birth Certificates" (atto di nascita)
No Staff at the our FHC speak or read "Italian", a Patron or two, do; but, they do not come in that often.
I am sorry I cannot be of any help.
As an aside ...
You might try contacting the "Family History Library" (FHL) in "Temple Square" in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
At the moment they have free 20 minute consultations ...
You never know, you may have some success through that channel ...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained ...
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Good Luck
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Thanks Brett and Chris for your time and effort, it is really challenging to read handwritten text in Italian.
In case you'd like to give a new try, I was able to find Gennaro's wife birth registry and has a very fixed format, I don't think it changed a lot in 10 years.
You should first locate the book for 1859 births (atti di nascita). Once located, in the first pages sometimes you can find the annual index that has the lastname (cognome), and name(nome) and the ordinal number that gives you an idea of the postion.
When surfing the images, they ussually write the lastname and name of the person that was born at the left or right of the page next to the father's name.
Then it starts like this: "L'anno mille ottocento cinquantanove (In the year 1859), il giorno --> here it comes the day number, del mese di --> here it comes the month.
I am attaching an image to explain me better.
Thanks again!
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Someone in the @Italy Genealogy Research group might be able to help. I've tagged the group here so they'll see it in their feed too.
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mille ottocento SESSANTANOVE (!) il giorno primo di agosto.....la doppia "S" è piccola , la prima S è allungata
(the first S is elongated, the double "S" after the "e"is small, )
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Grazie Giovanni! E vero che Filomena è stata nata nel primo di Agosto di 1869 ma il suo marito Gennaro è stato nato nel 1859 e è da lui che sto trovando la data certa.
L'italiano e una lingua bellissima da parlare ma è molto difficile sapere dove vanno le doppie S, doppie T. Quase mai riesco a scrivere i numeri correttamente.
In soma, sto cercando i miei antenati Italiani, me manca soltanto la data di nascita di Gennaro.
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nell' immagigine manca la pagina o il puntatore sulla riga da leggere...mandala e ci provo...😊