Find about someone born (nati) in Alessandria 1866-1867
Find about someone born (nati) in Alessandria 1866-1867
I cannot access to the records of Alessandria civil registry births 1866-1867, and my ancestor was born there between 1866-1867. Someone has the records? Because the library its closed and it is said that you cannot watch films online. His name was Domenico Ratti, born from Luigi Ratti and Ana Pascualli. Thank you.
It does not look like it is available online, probably because Casalbagliano has records in the 1900s on that same film. There is the possibility that one of the other Family History Centers has that film locally. If you are lucky, it just might be near you.
click on the arrow next to Family History Library to see other locations that have some of these films.