Has anyone had any luck in requesting records of there Amer. Indian ancestors. If so how did you do
I am researching a family member who I believe to be a member of the Sioux Sisseton-Wahpetona tribe. I found a record on Familysearch that could be her. I don't know what direction to go in from here. Any comments you can give me would be appreciated
Hello, its SRose43 with one update. I found a website that looks promising. I'll see if there is any help there. https://www.doi.gov/tribes/trace-ancestry
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There is going to be a Native American Workshop on July 17, 2020 at 1 PM MDT online which will be part of the National Genealogical Society Virtual Conference. It is $35 to register. One of the presenters in this workshop is going to present a case study of the Sisseton-Wahpetona tribe. The main host is going to Lyn Rasmussen, CG who is one of the U.S./Canada Research Specialist at the Family History Library.
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Thank you for the information. I welcome such a class.
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Thank you for this information. If you have a link to this workshop would you post it, I can't seem to find it. I doesn't seem to be on familysearch.org Thank you.
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Thanks for sharing this information @Helen Buck Bileen I'm sure many of us can benefit from it.