I have been trying to find a death record for my great-grandfather, Lorenzo di Grazia, son of Vincen
He disappeared under "unusual" circumstances. I found this document from 1914 on Antenati. Could someone translate the document found in the 1914 death records for me please? It is a brief document.
Thank you
Joseph Bisazza
Ministero della Guerra
Direzione generale leva e truppa
Estratto dell’atto di morte del soldato Di Grazia Gaetano
Il sottoscritto Direttore Capo della Divisione Matricole
dichiara che nel registro degli atti di morte in tempo di guerra del 76º Reggimento Fanteria a pagina 125 ed al numero 123 di ordine trovasi scritto quanto segue.
L’anno 1916 alli 18 del mese di gennaio nella località denominata Diga (Grado) mancava ai vivi in età di anni 27 il soldato Di Grazia Gaetano del 76º reggimento fanteria 10ª compagnia al numero 21024 di matricola nativo di Aidone provincia di Caltanissetta figlio di Vincenzo e di Palermo Maria.
Morto in seguito a ferita d’arma da fuoco.
Sepolto al cimitero di grado come consta dall’attestazione delle persone a piedi al presente sottoscritte.
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Hello Rita,
Grazie per la vostra risposta. Credo di aver inviato il link errato per il fratello di Lorenzo, Gaetano di Grazia, morto in guerra. Ecco il link corretto per il record di morte di Lorenzo di Grazia del 1914. Ancora una volta, grazie per il vostro aiuto.
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It's a request to rectify the death record of Lorenzo Di Grazia, as related to the family name of his mother from the (wrong) spelling "Uelu" to the (right) spelling "Gueli" .
The request has been submitted by Di Gregorio Filippo for his son Lorenzo (dead) and has been approved and filed by Judge Giuseppe Trapani of the Tribunale di Caltanissetta.
It looks strange that the family name of the father, requesting the rectification (Di Gregorio) do not match the family name of the son (Di Grazia).
It is possibly a mistake by the court clerk, as in the death register the name of the father is reported as Di Grazia Filippo.
A note has then been added to the original death record in the same file:
In case you didn't see it, the original death certificate from the Parrocchia Italiana di San Pietro in Pittsburg is here:
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Hello Paolo,
Thanks for the interpretation. This has been a little confusing as I saw that there exists in 1914 a death record in Part II for Lorenzo di Grazia who evidently lived in Pittsburg PA. I could never figure out why in the same year's book of death records, there was a second Lorenzo di Grazia record which you've explained. However, I agree, there had to have been a clerical error. This Lorenzo di Grazia's father was named Fillipo so someone mixed up his last name. You explained the purpose of the record. I was hoping it might have something to do with my great-grandfather Lorenzo di Grazia whose father was Vincenzo not Fillippo. So I am back to the looking for any record for my Lorenzo di Grazia. His military record for WWI in 1916 shows that the military came to his house to look for him, but it simply states "unavailable". His other brother Vincenzo went missing at the same time and that is testified too in writing in his daughter's 1915 wedding allegati.
Thanks again.