How do I find an obituary
I am just starting Family History.
My great, great grandmother Johanna Dina de Hondt
2 February 1849 – 19 April 1918
• KLBT-62Z was born in Groede, Zeeland, Netherlands. She died in Vlissingen, Zeeland, Netherlands. How can I find her obituary? Thank you so much for any help you can give me!
See attachment for the grave-stone, I will have a look for her obituary.
Your great-great grandmother Johann Dina is buried in the Noorder Begraafplaats
(Noorder Cemetery) in Vlissingen, with her husband Marinus Heuseveldt.
He was born on 16 July 1851, Zierikzee, Zeeland and he died in Vlissingen, Zeeland, on 28 February 1927. Noorder Begraafplaats, grave ID 180040
Kellie, Zeeland has a couple of excellent websites to research your Zeeland ancestors.
Unfortunately, they are both in Dutch.
Use Google to translate the pages.
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@Marcia Galan Hawner,
Only as an aside, one can switsh Zeeuws archief to English, above in the right corner under search.
The other site is indeed in Dutch only , but under Inventory archives you should find Groede
and Vlissingen; in a very archaic Dutch, very easy to translate, only build with keywords.
They tend to answer questions from abroad via mail.They all can conversate in English.