☀️ You are invited to attend our monthly "The Bridge" webinar ☀️
Topic: Group discussion of what each of us are doing and have planned
Date/Time: Thursday 7 May 2020, 9:00 am MDT - 1 Hour in length
WebEx Link:
Meeting number (access code): 266 658 749 Meeting password: TEQ4xf4s
•Join by phone +1-415-655-0003 United States Toll
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In this monthly webinar, people join in to discuss how they are creating a "Bridge" with family history work in relation to their community. Sometimes we will have a guest speaker, other times we have a discussion on a given topic. If you are unable to join us, we will have notes, and continue our conversation in this group page.
Thank you to all who attended. It was a good meeting today. We discussed things that we are involved in within our communities and line of volunteer work.
- @Miles A Meyer discussed his work with the Family History Guide
- How to do distance training
- FHG has released more guidelines on how to research in countries in Africa and South America
- Discussion on how the Family History guide can help with Home Schooling
- Discussion on how we may possibly use the Family History Guide to help teach people to do various genealogy projects.
- @Linda Richards Chappell helped us to understand more about what she does with research work in the US New England states - particularly New Hampshire and Vermont.
- How to involve the youth in family history work - beginning with indexing,, doing personal family history work, and then helping others with their trees by adding information from the 1900 Census.
- Family names along borders will change (ie; LeBlanc in Quebec will be White in the US or Thibaut will be Tebo)
- Geography boundaries can change depending upon how a river flows.
- Talked about ways we can involve the community in our work, and teaching others to do what we do. (Working with the local historical societies to gather stories, or to help people one on one via an online medium such as zoom)
- Discussed the FamilySearch Wiki Pages and how they are a great resource of information on geographic areas.
- Another attendee is working on Family Reconstitution for African American records.
- Her skill is in finding records, but she would love help with understanding how to add people to a disconnected tree.
- She has been able to acquire records in a particular Virginia county that is of cohabitation of slaves, and would like to get the information of these people in the FamilySearch tree but lacks the resources of finding people to help her.
- Once the pandemic opens up she will begin working on finding more information on slave records.
0 - @Miles A Meyer discussed his work with the Family History Guide