I meant to post this last week when I finally finished it, but got sidetracked. Hopefully this might be a current and future help to some as they help teach what President Nelson termed the most important work on the earth today - temple and family history (T&FH) work (the gathering).
I went through all of the April 2020 General Conference and did a word search for all terms that would seem to have brought up references to T&FH work. There were none during the Saturday morning or afternoon sessions that I found, but beginning on Saturday evening there was a flood - eleven of the talks in the last three sessions (Saturday evening and both Sunday sessions) had important references to T&FH work. I thought about just including the quotes, but decided to copy each of those eleven talks in their entirety so the T&FH material would be in full context with any background lead-in. To make it easier to find and follow, I used yellow highlighting for the specific quotes, with occasional red lettering for further highlighting.
I thought President Eyring's (Saturday evening) and Elder Bednar's (Sunday morning) talks were particularly noteworthy, though there are very important points (sometimes very subtle) even in the seemingly briefest of references in all 11 talks.
Just download the document below and you can scroll through it quickly, looking for the yellow highlighting. Then navigate up and down to get the context as well, where needed. They are sequential within the listed sessions (Saturday evening, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon), with the names of the speakers at the top of each included talk.
The .PDF document is accessible on at:
Hope this is helpful.
-- Chris
This was about to be my solution to you my friend! Glad you got it posted! Thank you so much for sharing!
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I don't like using Google any more than I have to, but I really wanted to get this posted. I do hope you get the glitch figured out for someone else down the road, and also that .PDF documents can be uploaded directly here rather than having to use links. But it worked. 😊
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Thank you so much for posting this. I find when I study that there are SO many references to this work that I get overwhelmed--Like I have my hand in a cookie jar and I just can't grab enough cookies out without letting go of them all! I am so glad you referenced the Restoration Proclamation" too.
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Wow! That's a lot of work and a great resource! Thank you for sharing!
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I am very grateful for this! Thank you so much.
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What a great idea. I think sometimes we forget that while Temple and Family History Work is important to us that it is on the minds of those who lead this Church.
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@Steve Walker16 But sometimes (at least locally - certainly not at the top leadership of the Church) even leaders need reminders. About a year ago I got a bit of a "correction" from a rather senior leader in our stake with whom I was having a one-on-one conversation. I said that it is the reason we're here on the earth. He responded that there are many other things in the Church that also need emphasis, and he began naming various programs, activities, etc. I didn't disagree, but held to my statement. He then outright said I was wrong. I asked him to complete the sentence, "This is my work and my glory, to ----." He of course completed it without hesitation. I asked him to think about it - The Lord Himself said that the end of the sentence IS His work and glory ("eternal life of man"), not "one of my important programs." I then asked him if he was familiar with the first four verses of that little 8-verse Section 131, though off the top of his head he was not. I pulled out my phone, went to it, and read it. Verses 3 & 4 leave no wiggle room: "And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase." That of course refers to receiving all of the ordinances to include the sealing ordinance, without which one cannot obtain the highest degree of glory - exaltation. Without all of the ordinances, all progression ("increase") ceases.
I somethings think that many don't connect those dots, or else we lose sight of them with all the other programs and activities in the Church, not to mention the world. But that is what Malachi was referring to when he said the earth would be utterly wasted at the Savior's coming (i.e. not turning our hearts to our fathers [ancestors] to complete their saving and exalting ordinances as they anxiously await what they cannot do for themselves). Yes, I feel certain the Lord will not allow someone over there to be denied exaltation simply because living family members never assured that the work got done. Much of that "impossible to find" and neglected work will likely be done in the next 1000 year period. But what becomes of those that did not turn their hearts to their fathers? When President Nelson said that this is the most important work in which we can be engaged today, I just smiled. The Brethren "get it."
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By the way - a marvelous addition to these talks is one given by President Ezra Taft Benson, then President of the Quorum of the Twelve. It was on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the Logan Temple in May 1984. It contains plain yet also deep doctrine, and could not be more relevant or needed today, 36 years later.
-- Chris
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Thanks so much for your hard work and diligence!
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Thank you very much for sharing this resource you put together! I appreciate it and look forward to studying it!