Translation Marraige Records Christoph Keller & Anna Elisabeth Gries
Can I have help translating the marriage records of Christoph Keller & Anna Elisabeth Gries?
They can be found here on metryki genealodzy
**Tomaszów Mazowiecki** **451 UMZ 1848-1853** **Scan 104**
Number 12 is the marriage record.
Thank you,
Hi Matthias, I can help with this one.
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Marriage record translations by column from left to right. Question marks (?) will be used to replace an unknown letter.
Marriage in 1851 in Tomaszow (Mazowieckie) Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, from Nepomucenów, in the Rękawiec gmina (community).
- Entry No. 12 (crossed out, unsure why). Margin note reads "v. i. p. 20 Mat?" - I am not sure what "Mat?" means, but I believe "v. i. p. 20" could be vide infra post 20, meaning "see below after 20". I think the date that this event actually took place was on or after March 4th. Additionally, looking at the "II. 127. 20", which I believe is a reference number to this event being recorded civilly, this number is in order with the numbers in entry 20 (II. 127. 19) and 21 (II. 127. 21).
- Date - The initial 17 Febr has been crossed out. I can kind of see a 19 or 29 written over the 17, but no additional month has been given. The time was 3pm.
- Groom - Christoph Keller, a farmer/farmhand (Ld = farmer), 21 1/2 years old, a bachelor.
- Parents of the groom - George Keller, a farmer/farmhand, and Christina born Senninger.
- Bride - a maiden, Anna Elisabeth Griese, 21 years old. "Ujazd ledE" - I think this means that she was living in Ujazd, a town not far from Nepomucenów, and that she has permission (led = ledig = single/eligible) from her parents (E = Eltern = parents) to get married. If it instead says "bdE" or "bd?" it could mean something else, possibly that she was a servant in Ujazd. Not sure on this one.
- Parents of bride - Daniel Griese, a Sergeant (Wachmistrz = Sergeant), and Anna Rosina Pismo/Pinno.
- Witnesses - Andreas St?rmer, a farmer, 30 years old, and Christoph Sauder, 48 years old.
- Marriage banns were conducted on the 26th January, 2nd February, and 9th February.
I hope this helps!
2 - Entry No. 12 (crossed out, unsure why). Margin note reads "v. i. p. 20 Mat?" - I am not sure what "Mat?" means, but I believe "v. i. p. 20" could be vide infra post 20, meaning "see below after 20". I think the date that this event actually took place was on or after March 4th. Additionally, looking at the "II. 127. 20", which I believe is a reference number to this event being recorded civilly, this number is in order with the numbers in entry 20 (II. 127. 19) and 21 (II. 127. 21).
Hi @katerinaschmidt,
Thank you for translating this. Its interesting information!
You mentioned that some of those numbers would be linked to a civil document of some sort? Do you know by chance where I can find that? I am trying to find some more information on the Groom's father Georg Keller, but I havent mannaged to find any on him yet, even a birth or death year.
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These records actually are the civil registration records, so I think those notes might refer to the parish record instead. The parish records are likely still housed in the parish; here is the parish website if you would like to try contacting them to find out if they have more information. If the parish does not have the records or does not know where they are, try emailing the EZA (Evangelical Central Archives in Berlin) as some German colonies took their records with them when Germans were expelled from Poland after WWII. Here is the email address:, and here is the website that talks about this (last section of the page)
Here is another website that talks about Evangelical Augsburg church records in Poland
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Amazing, thank you for the guidance. I will reach out to them to find them!