Can you translate this document number line 9 and 11?
The basic information is below. There are a couple other notes and numbers though.
Line 9 - her son, Johan Gustaf, born 31 Dec 1854 in Tillberga, illegitimate, vaccinated
Line 11 - son, Carl Erik, born 25 Feb 1861 in ibidem(Tillberga), vaccinated
The note in line 9 which is right under the name "Maria Christ. Bergqvist" means "the couples joint 2 children before their marriage." This seems to imply that Eric Gustaf Lindberg was the father of the two illegitimate children, Johan Gustaf and Maria Carolina, and then later Eric and Maria Christ got married.
The note in line 11 right under the name "Maria Carolina" means "the couples children during their marriage." This refers to the three children underneath. Carl, Christina, and Anna were Eric and Maria's children after they got married.
Based on the lightness of these notes and some of the other information. My interpretation is that when the priest first wrote down Maria with her two illegitimate children, they didn't know who the father was yet. Later when Eric and Maria married, Eric claimed the two children as his own and the priest wrote in these notes for clarification.
In line 9, there is also a date written in 1 Jan 1855, that is the christening date. There appears to be another date written in every row "1/12." I'm not certain as to what that may mean.