Transcription/Translation Please - Schotmar
40. den 6ten of Apr: Koch im Bexterhagen eine
rtochtervartauffen lassen, gevattern waren die Lambruchtsche im Bexterhagen, Kuolmans in Pflen fraw und Henrich Herman Hufemans daselbst fraw, wardt genannt Anna Maria.Translation:
40. On the 6th of April Koch in Bexterhagen let baptize a daughter, sponsors were the wife/Mrs. Lambrucht in Bexterhagen, the wife of Kuolmans in Pflen and Henrich Herman Hufeman's wife there; [the child] was named Anna Maria
Comment: Pflen (or similar) should be a location name, but I can't find it in Meyers or otherwise.
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Gosh, you are wonderful! I will have to pick up on those corrections and look for them as I continue to research my family in this parish. I'm guessing that "Pflen" may be referring to Salzuflen.
This priest had a way of entering a christening with only the surname of the father quite often. I'm guessing that there was only one "Koch" family in Bexterhagen. What do you think?
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You are certainly right: what I read as "Pflen" is probably "Vlen" = Ufflen, an old spelling of Salz Uflen, see
The surname "Koch" is not so rare, but in a small village all Kochs may belong to the same family.
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