Translation - Real Estate log (Lagerbuch)
I received a PDF file from the Stadtarchiv Schwäbisch Gmünd that discusses different real estate issues with individuals that leased a property from the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd. The last two entries are about my ancestor, Anton Beisswanger paying taxes or money that was due. He leased his house in the town of Adelstetten.
I'm attaching screenshots of the cover page that discuss the various records for this piece of property. The second image I believe is for item e, where he is refusing to pay his "hellergeld" and so he's going to be brought infront of a court. From the document in item f - I do know he started his lease on this property in 1804 and he stayed there until 1827. Would someone mind helping me with the translation? If you'd like to see the PDF, I can send it, but didn't see a way to attach it. Thank you.
The handwritten document appears to relate to item f) in the list above.
Die Anzeige der ___vation
in Betreff der Weigerung
des Anton Beiswenger
von Adelstetten sich eine
Rauchhenne auflegen zu
ist dem RechtsCanz(?) Stuckrath Negele
zugefertigt worden, damit er
den Beiswenger bei dem K: Ober-
amtsgerichte Welzheim? belange.
Gmünd am 25ten Janner 1826
<signature>[faint pencil note at the bottom:]
Negele weis nichts davon, es ist also durch ___
__ vorzumerken und bei der? nächsten Belehrung? aufzulegen.Translation:
The notification of ___vation concerning the refusal of Anton Beiswenger of Adelstetten to accept a "Rauchhenne" has been sent to the attorney? Stuckrath Negele so that he could charge the Beiswenger at the Royal Upper District court in Welzheim
Gmünd on the 25th of January 1826
Town sheriff's office
<signature>[faint pencil note at the bottom:]
Negele knows nothing about this, so it is to be noted by ___ and to be brought up at the next instruction.
__Comment: 'Rauchhenne' was a tax payable by every household, originally in kind as a hen.
Thank you @Ulrich Neitzel. I have a harder time reading German when I'm not as familiar with the context of what is being written. I appreciate you writing it in German & English, it lets me go back to the text and look at the words to improve. I was reading about Rauchhenne tax and it looks they had to pay a hearth tax in this area of Wüerttemberg.