Looking for death record
I am looking for the death record of Eric Eriksson Herr M8YF-8NY. We appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you.
Hello, here is a link to the death record on FamilySearch. Erik Erikson is on the left page under the month of September, number 10. He died 21 Sep 1864.
This is the citation for the record through the Finish Archives:
Vörå församlings arkiv - Längder över döda och begravda 1841-1890, jakso 77, sivu 152-153: 1864 augusti - december; Kansallisarkisto: https://astia.narc.fi/uusiastia/viewer/?fileId=5887958485&aineistoId=1289047033 / Viitattu 22.10.2024
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You need to merge Erick Eriksson Herr M8YF-8NY with Erik Eriksson Slögs Numan LC3K-5XY. They both have the same son, Johan Erik Eriksson Slögs Nyman 2WCM-MZZ. You can merge them using "Merge by ID" under "Tools".
Erik Erikssons death record is here (entry 10) September 21 1864: https://en.digihakemisto.net/item/1289047033/5887958485/77.