Parents of Mary Keenane
Looking for parents of Mary Keenane G75C-5PX
Thank You
Really the comment on Mary Keenane G75C-5PX is the same as I have responded to in your question about Patrick Phelan GBZ4-NDZ.
Mary's FamilySearch page shows her to have been born in Ireland about 1780.
This is still a really early date with regard to Irish records, with Irish civil records only commencing in the mid 1800s. Thus, you are left to rely on early church records which are sparce, incomplete and often a challenge to read. So, the early dates somewhat limit the opportunity to determine details of Mary's parents.
I see there are no records or documents attached to Mary. It would be helpful to understand how you came to determine the details you have entered on Mary and her family as there are no records or documents supporting the details. Is this information from some other records that you are in your possession? If so, it would be very valuable to have these attached to Mary and her descendants FamilySearch pages.