Translation Assistance Please - Smarzcz, Poznan
Micr. 008024275 Image 136 of 828
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record, Lechlin Parish, the Priest officiating as Officer of the Civil Records Office, of Michal Smarzcz, born in Wiatrowo, House No. 9, on the 3rd September 1813, birth reported on the 12th September 1813, son of Mikolaj Smarzcz, a laborer, 26 years old, and of his wife ……. (No name or age given). Witnesses: Piotr Stachowiak, a farmer, 55 years old, and Michal Lukaszewicz, a Lechlin organ player, 46 years old.
Micr. 008025932 Image 18 of 722
Translated from Latin:
Birth Record, Lechlin Parish, of Michal Smarszc born in Wiatrowo on the 3rd September 1813, christened on the 12th September 1813, son of Nicolaus (Mikolaj) Smarszc, a laborer, and Catharina (Katarzyna), born Gronkowska. Godparents: Petrus (Piotr) Stachowiak and Francisca (Franciszka) Smarczdzowna (daughter of Smarcz or Smarszc), a maiden, all from Wiatrowo.
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Again Maria, thank you.