Baptism Translation
Would someone mind looking over my translation? I had difficulty in the sponsor & last column. Greatly appreciated!
1811 Baptism Records for Spraitbach
# of Baptism in 1811: 15
Child’s name: Johan Georg
Parents: Anton Beiswenger, häusler (cottager) & day laborer in Adelstetten, M(aria) Anna (or Ana – not clear if there’s a line over the n), maiden name Linsenmaier
Place of birth: Adelstettin
Time and Birth date: May 4, 1811 4 am
Baptism date: Spraitbach May 4th
Person conducting baptism: Fr. Jos(ef) Bapt(ist) Berswager?
Baptismal Sponsors: Georg ?as ? nail, Joseph Frindl bubauer? (young farmer?) in Adelstettin and Anna Maria ? Ginbaier wife ? Schneider feier ?
Family Page?: ? 54 in ?
Here are some corrections to your translation, in bold -
# of Baptism in 1811: 15
Child’s name: Johann Georg
Parents: Anton Beiswenger, Häusler (cottager) & day laborer in Adelstetten, M(aria) Anna nee Linsenmaier
Place of birth: Adelstettin
Time and Birth date: May 4, 1811 4 am
Baptism date: Spraitbach May 4th
Person conducting baptism: Fr. Joh(ann) Bapt(ist) Schwager
Baptismal Sponsors: Georg legitimate, unmarried son of the deceased Joseph Friedl, citizen and farmer in Adelstettin and Anna Maria nee Hieber(in) and his unmarried sister
Page number: Adelstetten 57 in ??
Note - if you look very closely, you'll see a very faint line over the n in Johann, meaning it's a double letter.
I also couldn't make out that last word in the last column. If you look at the page before and the page after this entry, you'll see that this appears in numerous other places. There, it's a bit clearer, and looks like in might in "in parte 2da"? So I looked up the family registers and indeed there is a second volume, where Anton Beiswenger is listed for page 57 (bottom left-hand side of the page)
But when I go to page 57 in that register, there's no Anton Beiswenger. The register appears to be organized by town, so if you can find the section for Adelstetten, maybe you can find Anton's page there.
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Hello @ccr1107.
Michael Beiswinger is a Häusler (cottager) in Untergröningen
.Joseph Linsenmeier is a Häusler (cottager) in Dürlangen
@sylviaelchinger1 Greatly appreciated!
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Hello @ccr1107,
Here's the page from the family register for this family:
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After some poking around, I found the family page for Anton -
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@sylviaelchinger1 & @Robert Seal_1 Thank you both. It's really nice to see this, because I do think now I can confirm there parents were Michael Beiswinger & Veronika Kurz & Josef Linsenmayer & Ursula Stegmaier. Underneath the father's name does it state they were both Häusler and then I'm not sure what the other word is. It looks like the description is different for Michael & Josef.
Last year, I had found a family register for this couple, but it was in a completely different book (I believe @Robert Seal_1 helped me translate it):
It references 57, but then is crossed out. Maybe the note under the Family Page column is for families moved from the Spraitbach register to this new one. The family never moved from Adelstetten to my knowledge, so maybe there was a new church built or something. I'll have to take a closer look.