Remove Deceased Persons Selected to Invite to My New Family Group
When I reached the step of choosing family members to invite to my new family group, I accidentally selected all the displayed members—about ten or so deceased persons—but now I need to remove all of them but me.
I briefly saw a popup asking me to start over, but it disappeared. How do I either remove everyone except myself or start over?
I created a second family group for the same surname, but this time, I carefully selected only my father's profile and me to invite.
However, all ancestors that I have ever inputted into FS for both of my parents display going generations back.
I aim to create a family group for my father's surname only, starting with myself and him.
I must be doing something wrong.
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As I understand it, any living people you copy into the group tree will still be linked to their deceased relatives in the FS public tree. Those deceased people you're seeing in your group tree are not a separate profile from the one in the FS public tree (their FS id numbers are the same). Do not delete them because if you do you'll be removing their profiles completely from FS and not just their visibility in the group tree. If you don't want to see them in your group tree, you could delete their relationships to the living people in your group tree thus disconnecting them, but not sure why you'd want to do that.
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This is confusing. Maybe I don't understand how family groups work.
I aim to create "a" surname family group and populate it with only ancestors of or related to that surname.
In my family groups, I see everyone in my tree, from my parents backward.
How do I create "a" surname family group, Smith Family Group, for example, and only include ancestors of or related to that surname?
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I don't plan on deleting any of my family members at FS. I mentioned removing ancestors from my view in my new family group.
Apparently, FS is auto-adding everyone in my family for both of my parents. I want and need to see ancestors for only one surname.
Is it not possible to create a "Smith Surname Family Group," for example, and only include Smith ancestors?
And how do I delete my two family groups?
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You have misunderstood the purpose and structure of Family Groups. Here is what you need to understand:
Family Tree is one, single, huge database of all the profiles in Family Tree. The tree does, however, consist of three types of spaces. These are:
- The Public space - this contains all the profiles for deceased individuals. Every profile in this space can be seen by all users of FamilySearch. There should be only one profile for any one deceased person with no duplicates.
- A user's Private space - this contains all the profiles for living people that a single user created under that user's account. Only that user can see those profiles. There may be multiple duplicate profiles in other users private spaces that only those other users can see. As soon as a profile here is marked deceased, it moves to the Public space.
- A Family Group space - this contains all the profiles for living people that have been shared into a family group or created in a family group. All the member of the family group, but only them, can see these profiles. Again there may be multiple duplicates of these living profiles in the Private spaces of members of the group or in the Private spaces of users who do not belong to the family group. Also here, as soon as a profile is marked decease, it moves from the Family Group space to the Public space.
If you go to the full page Recents list you can see which space a profile belongs to because there is a colored label beside each name that states which space it is in. There are green labels that say Public Person, purple labels that say Private Person, and blue labels with the name of the Family Group.
Family Tree is a universal, wiki-style, one-world tree whose goal is to have one profile for everyone that has ever lived (that can be documented) with all of everyone's family relationships. It is not designed to have isolated branches such as having a single surname line connected to no one else in the tree. For that type of a tree you would have to use a different website or a desktop program.
(I haven't deleted a group for a while but it looks like the procedure is the same: click on the Family Groups tab in the second menu bar. Then click on the box for the group you want to delete. Click on the button that says Members. To the right of each members name is a three dot icon. Click on that. For every member except you, since you created the group, there should be a Remove link. Remove all the member. Then click that icon next to your name and there should be a Leave link. Click that. Unless something has changed, you will get a message that says something like "If you leave this group it will be deleted." Click OK and you will be removed from the group and the group will be deleted.)
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Hi Gordon,
Thank you for the detailed information.
I was aware of spaces one and two; number three was unclear.
Well, now I know FS family groups are not what I am looking for. :-(
I hoped to create a surname-only family group of deceased ancestors and my sources to share with and work with interested family members only, which was not seen by the public. Much like an surname group/file.
I am looking for an online program that allows me to upload what I have gathered over the years to give and share with other family members instead of creating files on my computer that I export and email to someone with a compatible program.
I deleted my groups. Not sure why that feature is hidden.
Thank you so much for your help.
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Buenos días
En el espacio de grupos de árboles familiares comentas que solo se comparten personas vivas, pero yo cree un grupo para que mis hijos puedan ver a sus familiares vivos ya que ellos no los conocen ni siquiera saben de su existencia y también para que trabajemos juntos en las ordenanzas, entonces al agregar a las personas también se agregaron las líneas de parentescos fallecidas.
También una pariente me contacto por el chat de familySearch y quise crear un grupo de hecho en eso estoy pero al seleccionar la línea paterna que es donde coincidíamos en el parentesco también se jalo mi línea materna en automático pero esa línea no la quiero compartir, como le hago para que no aparezca,
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Google translate:
good morning
In the family tree group space you mention that only living people are shared, but I created a group so that my children can see their living relatives since they do not know them or even know of their existence and also so that we can work together in the ordinances, so when adding the people, the deceased family lines were also added.
A relative also contacted me through the familySearch chat and I wanted to create a group, in fact that's what I'm in, but when I selected the paternal line, which is where we agreed on the relationship, my maternal line was also automatically pulled, but I don't want to share that line, like I make it so that it does not appear,
When you copy the living people that you have in your private space, the system automatically includes the links to the deceased ancestors. If you do not want your mother's ancestors to show, delete the relationship between your mother and her deceased parents. Then she will appear in that group, but none of her ancestors.
Google Translate:
Al copiar a las personas vivas que tienes en tu espacio privado, el sistema incluye automáticamente los enlaces a los antepasados fallecidos. Si no desea que se muestren los antepasados de su madre, elimine la relación entre su madre y sus padres fallecidos. Entonces ella aparecerá en ese grupo, pero ninguno de sus antepasados.
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@AnneLoForteWillson muchas gracias por contestar, así lo haré.