translation of Santowska Wisniewski marriage
I would like to request assistance with the translation on this entry (both the column headings and the information on line 25).
(If I can upload the page we already have it saved as an individual file.)
Santowska Wisniewski marriage
"Deutschland, Preußen, Westpreußen, Katholische und Lutherisch Kirchenbücher, 1537-1981", database, FamilySearch (, line 25, image 37 of 623.
Thank you!
Can someone please help us with this one?
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I tried the link but got an error message - the film can only be viewed at a FamilySearch center.
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There are a couple of things I'm uncertain of, but here is what I read in the document.
Column 1: Zahl der in der Parochie/ Vollzogenen/ bloß angezeigten Trauungen ——— 25 & " = this is a bookkeeping column meaning the 25th marriage in the parish. I did not go back far enough in the images to see what " stood for.
Column 2: Tag und Ort der Trauung (erster mit Ziffern und Buchstaben) ——- (25) fünfundzwanzigsten August == day & place of the marriage (first with digits and then written out), they were married the 25th of August 1872
Column 3: Des Bräutigams [heading for columns 3, 4, 5, & 6 = the groom], Name, Stand und Wohnort ——- Symon Wisniewski, Köthner aus Groddeck == Name, occupation, and residence — Symon Wisniewski, cottager from Groddeck (I could be wrong about the spelling of his name, it was indexed Szymon)
Column 4: Bisheriges Verhältnis in hinsicht der Ehe — Wittwer == marital status before the marriage — widower
Column 5: Alter Jahr — 26 == age year — he was 26 years old
Column 6: Confession — Kath == Religion — Catholic
Column 7: Der Braut [heading for columns 7, 8, 9, 10 == the bride]; Namen und Wohnort — Marianna Santowska, Köthner, tochter aus Groddeck == name and residence — Marianna Santowska, cottager, daughter from Groddeck
Column 8: Bisheriges Verhältnis in hinsicht der Ehe — Jungfrau == marital status before the marriage — single/never married
Column 9: Alter Jahr —- 27 === age year — 27 [she was 27 years old]
Column 10: Confession — Kath == Religion — Catholic
Column 11: Genehmigungs - Erklärungen der Eltern, Vormünder, Gerichts-Behörden, Vorgesetzten u. auf Seiten / des Bräutigams/ der Braut == Permission statement from parents, guardians, legal representative, or other representative / for the groom/ for the bride == something was written in the column for the groom that looked like Jemuth to me — no idea what that may mean
Column 12: Ort und Zeit des Aufgebots/ des Brätigams/ der Braut — Dom XII, XIII, XIV, p. Penter === place and time banns were read/ the groom/ the bride —- perhaps someone can further explain Dom XII, XIII, XIV, etc.
Column 13: Namen des Pfarrers, welcher die Trauung verrichtet hat — Jdem === name of the priest who performed the marriage — Jdem [appears to be an abbreviation possibly]
Column 14: Bemerkungen — Mattias Santowska und Ludwig Tisniawski, beide aus Groddeck == Notes [in this case, witnesses] — Mattias Santowska and Ludwig Tisniaski [the name may not be entirely correct], both from Groddeck
Hope that helps a little.
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Thank you, that helps a great deal
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Without being able to see the record, I can tell you that the information in Column 12 refers to successive Sundays - Dom XII, XIII, XIV after Pentecost - at which the banns were read.
For column 13, the word is "idem," which is Latin meaning "the same." So you'd have to look further up the column, or perhaps on the previous page, to see the name of the priest who married them.
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I looked at the image again today and went back through several pages to see if there was any further clarification for the first column quote marks ["] and found nothing. "Vollzogenen" means performed, executed, consummated; whereas "bloß angezeigten" means merely appeared. Since nothing was written in the latter column in any of those pages, I understand it to mean the marriage was actually performed.
With the information Sylvia provided, in column 13 it appears the name of the priest may be Nelkepf.
Interestingly, higher on the page a man named Simon Wisniewski was a witness for marriage #16 between Franz Cerajewski and Rosalie Kilenska.
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Thank you all for your help with this translation!