Translation Request - Baptism Record for Johann Georg Muller (1741)
Please translate this baptism record for Johann Georg Muller (16 March 1741).
Hello @jahofmann,
Here is an abstract of what I am able to read:
Birth date: 16 March 1741.
[In right margin]: Schnaid.
Child: Johann Georg, illegitimate son.
Mother: Anna Margaretha Münderlein, from "Handwerck".
Assigned father: for the father Johann Müller, carpenter in Bamberg, was assigned.
Baptismal sponsor: Johann Georg Münderlein, teacher from Schnaid [for whom the child was named].
[There is a note at the end of the record which was added much later which appears to read]: Note: In retrospect in the year 1759 on 22 February, after the birth the fatherhood was assigned to Johann Hÿeren?, smith.
My comments: There is a phrase inserted between lines 2 and 3 which I am unable to decipher.
"Handwerck" might be a location within Schnaid.
There is a place called "Handwerk" and a place called "Handwerks", both in Bavaria in Meyers Gazetteer, but neither are close to Schnaid or Bamberg.
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Robert, Does Assigned father mean that we don't really know who the father is? Is the true father NOT Johann Muller, but Johann Hyeren? Or was Johann the step father? How should I document this in FamilySearch?
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The child was illegitimate. My assumption is either the mother or someone else "assigned" or stated that Johann Müller was the father. Then nearly 18 years later the church register scribe added the note that the father was presumably Johann Hÿeren←——please note: I am not at all certain of this surname.
So it appears that it is not clear who the father is. And the undecipherable inserted note might have something more to say about this.
If It were me, I would add the child and mother to FamilySearch Family Tree (giving the child the mother's maiden surname) and if possible add some kind of reference note to the child's record about the uncertainty of his father. I find the note added 18 years later quite unusual.
Also please note: I don't work in FamilySearch Family Tree so you may want to ask someone in the community who to add a child with a known mother and uncertain paternity.
It's the second entry for 1741 that I need translated. It looks like Johann is illegitimate.
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I am hoping that this request did not just get lost in all of the other request for translations. The record that I need translated is the second entry for year 1741on page 14.
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@Robert Seal_1 Robert would it be possible to have someone translate this record. I need mostly the parents names and locations. Thanks and appreciated all of the help.
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I found the following which might help you:
To add a child with an unknown parent in FamilySearch Family Tree, you can do the following:
- Click Family Tree and then Tree in the top menu
- Find the parent of the child you want to add
- Click the parent's name, then click their name again in the details that appear
- Click the Details tab
- Scroll down to the Family Members section
- Under Spouses and Children, click Add Child with an Unknown Mother or Father
- Add details in a note
- Enter information about the child
- Click Next
- Review the search results
- If you find the right child, click Add Person
- If you don't see the person in the search results, click Create New
If you know something about the father other than his name, like his occupation or birthplace, you can add this information to a note or story attached to the mother or one of his children.
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Hello again @jahofmann,
The word I translated as "assigned" in the record is: assignavit.
Here is a link about the Latin word "assigno":
See section 2 and particularly Section 2.4.
Perhaps a better way to translate this record is using "ascribed" rather than "assigned":
Birth date: 16 March 1741.
[In right margin]: Schnaid.
Child: Johann Georg, illegitimate son.
Mother: Anna Margaretha Münderlein, from "Handwerck".
Father: Johann Müller, carpenter in Bamberg, was ascribed to be the father.
Baptismal sponsor: Johann Georg Münderlein, teacher from Schnaid [for whom the child was named].
[There is a note at the end of the record which was added much later which appears to read]: Note: In retrospect in the year 1759 on 22 February, after the birth the fatherhood was ascribed to Johann Hÿeren?, smith.