Translation- Russian
I received this document from the Radom Parish about 4 years ago, and have kept it with me since. But I have been unable to find anyone capable of reading the old Russian handwriting (even natives from Russia). Is there, by chance, anyone here capable of reading it? I am not sure how to share a picture of it
Thank you,
Matthias, can you specify where you found this record, the record number, parish name, year, the name of the persons listed in this record, and we may locate this record and try to translate it.
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When I was in Radom, the Parish Pastor made a copy of a document he had. I am not sure where he got it from. It is a letter written for Eduard Keller. I am not certain about the date, but it is old Russian, as I have asked a few people but they are unable to read it.
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Hi Maria, I have found a way to upload the picture to memories. Here is a link to it
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Birth Record No. 92, Radom, Evangelical -Augsburg Parish, Civil Records Office, of Eduard Keller, born in Trablice on the 5th May 1896, christened on the 7th May 1896, son of Jan Keller, a colonist, living in Trablice, 38 years old, and of his wife, Rosalia, born Fridenberger, 35 years old. Witnesses: Ludwik Genschel and August Gozhman, both 32 years old, both colonists. Godparents: Daniel Erdman and Karolina Hennig.
Matthias, my friend, who is fluent in Russian, helped me to get more accurate translation of this record. Please note that some of those records are available on Internet, in – Radom – Wyznanie (faith) Ewangielickie for years 1866-1937. Click on item 1 number 179 in bleu, you will see they have births U- years 1866-1872, Marriages M-1909-1931, Deaths Z-1909-1937. Some of them may be in Polish, SkU = Index of births, SkM=Index of Marriages, SkZ= index of deaths.
There are also many of those records available in szukajwarchiwach - Polish State Archives. I cannot attach here the copy of your birth record of Eduard Keller, but it is in the link that was moved to the bottom of this text. Click on it, then find scan Scan No. 35 of 211, Birth Record No. 92, and you may download it. At the beginning of Polish Research Community you may click on Resource Links and select Szukajwarchiwach - to hear the instructions in English how to use it.
You may also use which is shortcut for - Download the map in blue, X the advertisements, go to Hotele on the right and click on Ukryj to eliminate all Hs on the map which are hotel advertisements. Enter Trablice in the top box on the right, above Hotele, click on Wybierz (select) above No. 1. Wies (village) Trablice. Click on Treblice on the map, and move computer mouse, without pressing on it, to center of Radom, just next to it, you will see the distance in kilometers just over 3 kilometers or about 2 miles in the red box in the right lower corner of the page. Currently there are 1528 residents there. Use circles to zoom in and out. Keep it in Polish, as changing to English translates all names of villages and towns to English. Enjoy your research.
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Hi Maria, thank you to you and your freind for helping with the translation this is amazing. I have now been searching through those archives you sent, and found a few things already thank you so much! You mentioned the city of Trablice . Would there be records from there too, or would it still be from Radom? I am trying to find the marriage information in those records for Johann Keller and Rosalie Friedenberger (should be before 1896), but without any luck do you have any other suggestions? They are the parents you mentioned above.
Thank you for all your help
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Matthias, it looks like the Radom Archives have some marriage records for Evangelical Parish, including those for Treblice, but they are not available on Internet. I looked through some birth records for Keller as the father, and I found only some children of Erdmann Keller and Rosalia Friedenberger, none of Johann Keller. He could have changed his first name from Erdmann to Johann or Jan. You may need to contact Radom Archives and ask them to research for you, as they may have those marriage records with indexing. It will be less expensive than travelling to Poland to research and obtain this marriage record. Their email address is:
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Hi Maria, Thank you for the information. I also found the children for them. I was looking through my indexes from the Parish and it seems that Erdmann Keller and Rosalie were married in Radom in 1877. I tried to read through the ones online but it is hard as they are in Russian. It doesnt seem that their records were recorded there? They were the 42nd (almost last marraige) of the year in 1877 at that Parish. Might it be in 1888 records then? I also had a look there but it was hard to determine. If they are not online would they have them still or do you think they might be missing? All the best, Matthias
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Matthias, please send us the copy of the marriage record for year 1877, or reference where we can access it. It will be in Russian and we can translate it for you.
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Hi Maria,
Here is a link to my Memory. I have this from the Indexes at Radom Parish. I found it while there
I looked through these documents but can not tell if any of them are Keller as they are written in Russian. I also think that some of them are missing as it seems from the Church records I have that there are more marriages that took place in Radom than which are recorded in the actual state archives? Thank you for your help. It seems to be the spot that is stopping my further research on the Keller family
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Matthias, the marriage index shows names of Erdmann Keller and Rosina Friedenberger as Marriage Record No. 42, year 1877, in Radom, Evangelical Parish. Unfortunately, the Marriage Records, Radom, Evangelical Parish, for years 1877 and 1878, have only few marriage records and some birth records. There is no marriage record No. 42, year 1877, of Erdmann Keller and Rosina Friedenberger. I found few birth records of their children, and maybe that will be of interest to you.
Birth Record No. 183, Scan 65 of 682, Radom, Evangelical Parish, of Matylda Keller, born in Trablice on the 26th August 1884, christened on the 31st August 1884, daughter of Erdmann Keller, a colonist, living in Trablice, 24 years old, and of his wife, Rozyna Friedenberger, 26 years old. Godfather: Michal Friedenberger, others not related to Kellers.
Birth Record No. 130, Scan 343, Radom Evangelical Parish, of Olga Keller, born in Trablice on the 3rd June1887, christened on the 12th June 1887, daughter of Erdman Keller, a colonist living in Trablice, 28 years old, and of his wife, Rozalia, born Friedenberger, 30 years old. Witness: Michal Friedenberger, 32 years old, and Paulina Friedenberger as godmother.
Birth Record No. 217, Scan 109 of 237, Radom, Evangelical Parish, of Erdman Theophil Keller, born in Trablice on the 11th September, christened on the 19th September 1891, son of Erdman Keller, a colonist, living in Trablice, 32 years old, and of his wife, Rozyna, born Friedenberger, 32 years old.
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Hi Maria,
Thank you for having a look into this for me, as I also could not find it.
1) Do you think the state archives might have it, but just not digitalised or is it just missing? Might you know of another way of finding the marriage records?
Thank you for the information on the children, I had found them in my indexes but havent gotten around to their birth records, this information will be helpful I have just added them to my tree! Very much appraciated! Still leaves me the question of who they are and if Erdmann changed his name to Johann or not, I will have to find out!
2) Do you know where would be the best place to find out if someone did a name change? I really appreiacte your help!
3) I also came about another limitation with marraige records. I found Karol Friedenberger here married to Auguste Egort 1899 #72. It is shown in the index but I can not find the page:
Might it be in this one then I see it also say 1899, but this one I can not make out any words as its missing an idex ledger
All the best, Matthias
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1.You will need to write to the Archives to find out if those marriage records are missing or not digitalized.
2. People did not have written or typed IDs at the time of your ancestors, and changing the first name may be without official recording. German people often used their 2nd name instead of the first one.
3. In year 1899, the last marriage record is No. 64, there is no marriage record No. 72.
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Hi Maria,
Thank you for the answers. I will start my request with the archives in Poland. I have a feeling that they are missing and were not forgotten about, but lets hope!
I recently found a land seizeure in the archeives of the Radom Prision for my great, great grandmother from the soviets. So I will have to reach out for this one also.
Thank you so much for your help Maria, you have been amazing! I will reach out more in the future!
All the best,
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Matthias, it is difficult when the records are missing. I noticed some records probably of your family indexed in Geneteka and original records in You may consider them.
Translated from Polish, found indexed in
Marriage Record No. 11, Radom, Evangelical Parish, dated the 8th February 1920, of Edward Keller, a bachelor, 23 years old, living with his mother in Cycow, he was born in Trablice, son of deceased Jan and living Rozalia, born Friedenberger, he is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, and of a maiden, Emilia Friedenberger, 18 years old, born and living with her mother in Janiszpol (district in Radom), daughter of deceased Karol and living Augustyna, born Egort, married couple Friedenberger, she is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith. Oral permission of the mother of the bride granted for this marriage. Three Marriage Banns published. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Gottlieb Röhl, 23 years old, and Ludwik Hotz, 29 years old, both living with their parents. Signature of Edward Keller.
Translated from Polish, found indexed in original record in
Death Record No. 59, Radom, Evangelical Parish, of Krzysztof Keller, who was killed in a battle near Pomorzany on the 19th June 1919, death reported on the 11th August 1921, he lived 21 years, he was son of Erdman and Rozyna, born Friedenberger, married couple Keller, he was a permanent resident of gmina Gębarzów. Death reported by August Missol, 38 years old, teacher in Radom, and Michal Marx, 77 years old, a church servant in Radom, who stated that they received a statement from the Headquarters Zapawszy (?) Bronu, 19 p.p. Grodek Jagielonski sent to the Office of Gmina Zwoleń, District Kozienicki, informing about the death of Krzysztof Keller.
Translated from Polish, found indexed in original record in
Death Record No. 104, Radom, Evangelical Parish, of Olga Weidemeier, who died in Zwoleń on the 10th September 1920, death reported on the 11th September 1920, she lived 10 years, daughter of Wladyslaw Weidemeier and Matylda, born Keller, Olga Weidemeier was born in Zwoleń and lived there with her parents, she was a permanent resident of Zwoleń. Death reported by Karol Jöde, 50 years old, and Leopold Voss, 28 years old, owners of homes in Zwoleń.
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Maria, thank you so much for digging deeper for me! This is amazing, I am adding it to my family tree as we speak. After seeing this information, in your opinion would you say that Johann Keller and Erdmann Keller were the same people? And Rosalie, Rozalia, Rozyna Friedenberger the same people?
For Krzysztof Keller it said he died in battle in 1919 june, so ww1 had ended. Would that mean he fought in the Ukrain-Polish war of 1919 that I see on the map? Also I see a few places called Pomorzany, one close to Radom (where they are from) the other in Ukraine (possibly Poland during that time). I am not sure which Pomorzany it would be?
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Mathias, this is all the information I have, you may chose Pomorzany close to Radom.
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It is very likely that Johann Keller and Erdmann Keller were the same person, and Rosalie, Rosalia, and Rozyna Friedenberger were also the same person. Since they did not have written or printed IDs and sometimes they did not remember their exact own age or age of the wife, there could be variations.
As to Krzysztof Keller, who died in Pomorzany, it was most likely Pomorzany close to Radom. If he died in Pomorzany in Ukraine, those reporting his death would most likely specify the District town/village or Parish in that area to identify the location.
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Hi Maria, I found a document of Johann/Erdmanns son moving to Ohio USA which confirms that they would be the same people as the birthdat put on file correspondes with the birthdate and year that I have. :)
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Hi Maria,
I contacted the state archeives in Radom. They found the missing marriage record for Karol Friedneberger and Augustine Egort. It is on scan #5. I have put the link below. Although, I am not sure which one is for them. Would you be able to help me with the translation?
All the best,
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It is record number 72 bottom left side. Sorry I forgot to mention which number it was exactly
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Marriage Record No. 72, Radom Evangelical parish, dated the 26th November 1899, of Karol Friedenberger, 23 years old, a bachelor, a colonist, living in Łysocha, born in Lasowice, Birth Record No. 168, year 1876, on margin, son of deceased Wilhelm Friedenberger and Dorota, born Radke, married couple Friedenberger, and of a maiden, Augustine Egert, 22 years old, born in Pietrokow/Piotrkow, daughter of Kristian Egert and Julianna, born Bankonir, married couple Egert, living with her parents on a farm in Janiszpol. Three Marriage Banns published in Radom Evangelical Church. No prenuptial agreement. Witnesses: Jan Tim, 28 years old, a colonist from Długojów, and Wilhelm Cerbman/Zerbman, 37 years old, a colonist from Janiszpol.
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Amazing Maria, Thank you so much, I hope it wasnt too hard to read. That filled in a big blank in my family tree as I also had Karl's sisters that I could now confirm! Appreciate your help alot!