Transcription and translation request for 1778 marriage record
This record is probably the first marriage for Johann Heinrich Engelhardt that was hinted at in the 1786 record that Ulrich kindly translated for me yesterday. It is at the bottom of the page and very cramped writing. I hope it is not too difficult to read.
D. 30. Mart. ☾ wurde auf Magistratische Bewilligung in des Hafners Graunfelders Hauße preavia correctione eingesegnet der erbare Joh. Heinrich Engelhart, B. u. LebküchnerM., H. Joh. Albrecht Engelhart, des größern? Raths u. Stattgerichts, ehel. Sohn, mit Anna Margaretha, Tobias Wägemann, B. u. Geschwornen? Rothgärberm. ehel. Tochter
On Monday 30 March the honorable Johann Heinrich Engelhart, citizen and master gingerbread baker, legitimate son of Albrecht Engelhart, council and court member?, was blessed into marriage in the house of the potter Graunfelder after permission of the magistrate [and] after previous correction(?) with Anna Margaretha, legitimate daughter of Tobias Wägemann, citizen and juror? master tanner
My comment:
Not fully clear to me what "after previous correction" (praevia correctione) refers to here. It is also a bit strange that the wedding took place in the house of a third party (the potter Graunfelder) after permission of the magistrate?
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Thank you. There is more research to do on this one if there was some impediment to the marriage or they were not allowed to marry in the church. It is interesting that the bride's father sponsored Johann Heinrich's son Georg Friedrich with his second wife. I am also surprised his father was not a master gingerbread baker.
Thanks again.