Translation Request - Latin to English - 1872 Luxembourg marriage
I am looking for help transcribing and translating a marriage record from Solubrio/Solveure/Zolver, please. I can read enough of the names to know these are the right individuals in the right time and place, for whom I'm searching. But I'm afraid I might miss a small detail or nuance, as my Latin knowledge is very basic.
I found the image at Matricula here:
It's no. 20 on that page, the first one at top left, for J. P. Morett and Catherina Steinmetz.
I'm especially puzzled by "Neckinger." It seems someone is from there, but I can't determine which person is referred to. And I also do not find a place in Luxembourg called Neckinger.
Thank you in advance for your kind help.
Hi Melissa,
My Latin knowledge is probably even more basic. But, searching for another source I found the Civil Register Marriage Certificate (in German), giving more details (left page):
"Luxembourg, Registres d'état civil, 1796-1941," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 17 July 2014), Sanem > Naissances 1846-1890 Mariages 1796-1890 Décès 1796-1830 > image 1076 of 1499; Archives nationales de Luxembourg (National Archives), Luxembourg.
I would love to transcribe it but being Dutch I am not familiar with German handwriting. I hope you can read the certificate or else you may ask for help in a German group.
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That was a really good idea that I should have thought of myself. I have already used the civil registers in that locality for births. And I can actually read Germanic script. Thank you so much for the suggestion.
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⇒J Petrus Morett;legal son of deceased Petri( obvious Morett) and Catharina Bruecher married at Reckinger.
This location should be a neighborhood in Lux,it is on Google maps
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Also try this one entry;
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And yes, Adrien, "Reckingen" is much more clear on that civil marriage record referenced by gjt47. And looking at the map shows that Reckingen is close to Solveure.
Thanks for all the help. I appreciate it very much.
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@gjt47 @Melissa Klassen Dalley
The links seems invalid ,gjt, had to retrieve it manually..anyway, i cannot read 10% of it; better to place it in the German room for translate.
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Strange, I have no problem getting to the certificate with the link I provided
Anyway, glad we could be of assistance to Melissa 🙂
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wat is nu het verschil….2de link is via insert media linksonder in chatbox, eerste gewoon via cut/copy zoals het immer werkte, werkt het dus niet meer.
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De wondere wereld van de ICT.😁