Translation - Death, Jan Kilanowski, Widawa, 1840
May I recive help with translating the following?
Death, Jan Kilanowski, Widawa, 1840, record number 59
Death Record No. 59, Widawa, of Jan Kilanowski, who died in Widawa on the 25th August 1840, death reported on the 26th August 1840, he lived 84 years, served as a butler for Major Wezyk, at death he left his widowed wife, Agnieszka Kilanowska, 40 years old, she is resident of Zablocie. Death reported by Ignacy Plucinski, an organ player, 22 years old, and Norbert Szkundlarek, 52 years old, both church servants in Widawa. Signature of Ignacy Plucinski.
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