Schönberg, Hessen - death in 1856 - Dietz family - transcription/translation
The death record is for Konrad Dietz, son Andreas Dietz and Margaretha Kopp. I need help with the missing words in my transcription and any corrections. I would appreciate the translation.
Question: I don't see a cause of death in the record?
There are two copies of the death record, the Kirchenbuchduplikat and the original, which I found using the name of the parish "Schönberg" from the Kirchenbuchduplikat copy (found by @JohnsonGreg). Both copies were fairly difficult to read, but the original was a little easier (at least for me) and that's the one I transcribed (1st entry on page 135).
The copies of the two records are attached to the person page in "sources": you!
Im Jahr Christi Achtzehnhundert sechs und Fünfzig
den zwölften Januar Morgens um vier
Uhr starb dahier in Schönberg Konrad Diez,
Schreiner? (The occupation is difficult to read. There is a Heinrich Geist whose occupation is also difficult to read but looks similar to this one, except I think Heinrich is a master and Konrad is an apprentice?) lehrling, ? lediger Sohn der Orts-
bürgers zu Assenheim Kreises Friedberg
und Portiers ? diensten S? E?
des Herrn Grafen zu Solens? ? An-
dreas Diez und seiner Ehegattin Mar-
garetha geborne Kopp, alt fünfzehn Jahr
acht Monate und wurde der dreizehnten
Januar Nachmittags um zwei Uhe in die ?
? beerdigt in ? der hiesigen
Ostsbürgers und Schreinermeisters? Hein-
rich Geist und des hiesigen ? Peter
Kach, ?
Peter Kach
Heinrich Geist
Margin note:
Konrad Diez aus Assenheim ? Schönberg
Very well done, Debra! My additions in bold:
Im Jahr Christi Achtzehnhundert sechs und Fünfzig
den zwölften Januar Morgens um vier
Uhr starb dahier in Schönberg Konrad Diez,
Schreinerlehrling, ehelediger Sohn der Orts-
bürgers zu Assenheim Kreises Friedberg
und Portiers in Diensten Seiner Erlaucht
des Herrn Grafen zu Solms Rödelheim An-
dreas Diez und seiner Ehegattin Mar-
garetha geborne Kopp, alt fünfzehn Jahr
acht Monate und wurde den dreizehnten
Januar Nachmittags um zwei Uhr in der Stil-
le beerdigt in der Gegenwart des hiesigen
Ortsbürgers und Schreinermeisters Hein-
rich Geist und des hiesigen Küsters Peter
Koch, welche gegenwärtiges Protokoll nebst
mir dem zeitigen Hofkaplan, unterschrieben.Peter Koch
Heinrich Geist
Gustav SchloßerMargin note:
Konrad Diez aus Assenheim st[arb]? zu SchönbergTranslation:
In the year of Christ 1856, Konrad Diez, carpenter's apprentice, unmarried son of Andreas Diez, local citizen of Assenheim district Friedberg and porter in the service of His Serene Highness the Count of Solms-Rödelheim, and his wife Margaretha, née Kopp, aged fifteen years and eight months, died on January 12th in the morning at 4 a.m. and was buried on January 13th in the afternoon at 2 p.m. in the presence of the local citizen and master carpenter Heinrich Geist and the local sexton Peter Koch, who signed the present record together with me, the court chaplain at the time.
Peter Koch
Heinrich Geist
Gustav Schloßer
Margin note:
Konrad Diez from Assenheim died at SchönbergNo, there is no cause of death given in the record.
Andreas Dietz's occupation as a "porter" for a noble was different than the usual occupations I see in records for the Kopp family, such as carpenter. Thank you, Ulrich for your additions and the translation! I appreciate very much having the information about Konrad's death, along with other interesting little details mentioned in the record.