Translation request - Magdalena Birth - occupation?
Please help translate the meaning of the occupation of the witness:
Thank you. I appreciate it, Mattie
Within Birth Record, house # 129, Magdalena, what is the occupation of witness: Adalbertus (Wojciech) Potecki, "Sports" ?
Księga małżeństw 1784 - 1843, urodzeń, 1784 - 1808, zgonów 1784 - 1837 - Lubenia
Reference code 59/1240/0/-/5
Dates 1784 - 1843
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Lubeni
Ludimagister – a schoolmaster, teacher. From “In their Words, Volume III: Latin, a Genealogist’s Translation Guide by William F. Hoffman & Jonathan D. Shea
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I could not figure that out! Thank you! I appreciate it. Mattie