Transcription help with baptism record
I would like help transcribing baptism record number 85 for Marianna daughter of Michael Jerzewski and Catharina Domagalska. I cannot transcribe three words. There is a word that follows the surname Jerzewski and again after the surname Domagalska. Then there is a word or perhaps an abbreviation between Catharina and Domagalska. I think this word or abbreviation indicates maiden name but after checking Polish word lists, I still can't "see" how to transcribe it. Both these words appear throughout the page.
Many thanks for your help.
Translated from German not Polish:
Micr. 008247009 Image 308 of 505
Birth Record No. 85, Gruczno, Roman-Catholic Parish, of Marianna Jerzewski, born in Polebno on the 26th November 1859, christened on the 11th December 1859, daughter of Michael (Michał in Polish) Jerzewski, an innkeeper, a Catholic, and of Catharina, born Domagalska, a Catholic. Godparents: Simon Drążkowski and Julia Rüdiger.