India Project and wikitree
what is wikitree We collaborate on a single family tree for everyone to enjoy, for free, forever.
- WikiTree is the most accurate & trusted global tree because we work together, carefully evaluate sources, and incorporate DNA.
- Modern family history is private.
- It's all free!
- WikiTreers who sign the Honor Code don't even see advertisements, but enjoy benefits that cost money on other websites.
WikiTree started growing 15 years ago, from the grassroots up. Our community is now 1,128,544 members strong. Most genealogists and serious family historians have accounts. Our shared tree has 39,151,868 profiles. 13,686,397 have DNA test connections. And what is the India project is a site on wikitree where wiki members and anyone with Ancestors from India can collaborate and build their tree and here is how to join because need more people with roots from India to join and here are the instructions on how to join The India Project be sure to sign up for wikitree first and create your tree it is free